# How to use Stable Diffusion on Habana Gaudi 🤗 Diffusers is compatible with Habana Gaudi through 🤗 [Optimum Habana](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/habana/usage_guides/stable_diffusion). ## Requirements - Optimum Habana 1.4 or later, [here](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/habana/installation) is how to install it. - SynapseAI 1.8. ## Inference Pipeline To generate images with Stable Diffusion 1 and 2 on Gaudi, you need to instantiate two instances: - A pipeline with [`GaudiStableDiffusionPipeline`](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/habana/package_reference/stable_diffusion_pipeline). This pipeline supports *text-to-image generation*. - A scheduler with [`GaudiDDIMScheduler`](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/habana/package_reference/stable_diffusion_pipeline#optimum.habana.diffusers.GaudiDDIMScheduler). This scheduler has been optimized for Habana Gaudi. When initializing the pipeline, you have to specify `use_habana=True` to deploy it on HPUs. Furthermore, in order to get the fastest possible generations you should enable **HPU graphs** with `use_hpu_graphs=True`. Finally, you will need to specify a [Gaudi configuration](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/habana/package_reference/gaudi_config) which can be downloaded from the [Hugging Face Hub](https://huggingface.co/Habana). ```python from optimum.habana import GaudiConfig from optimum.habana.diffusers import GaudiDDIMScheduler, GaudiStableDiffusionPipeline model_name = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-base" scheduler = GaudiDDIMScheduler.from_pretrained(model_name, subfolder="scheduler") pipeline = GaudiStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( model_name, scheduler=scheduler, use_habana=True, use_hpu_graphs=True, gaudi_config="Habana/stable-diffusion", ) ``` You can then call the pipeline to generate images by batches from one or several prompts: ```python outputs = pipeline( prompt=[ "High quality photo of an astronaut riding a horse in space", "Face of a yellow cat, high resolution, sitting on a park bench", ], num_images_per_prompt=10, batch_size=4, ) ``` For more information, check out Optimum Habana's [documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/habana/usage_guides/stable_diffusion) and the [example](https://github.com/huggingface/optimum-habana/tree/main/examples/stable-diffusion) provided in the official Github repository. ## Benchmark Here are the latencies for Habana first-generation Gaudi and Gaudi2 with the [Habana/stable-diffusion](https://huggingface.co/Habana/stable-diffusion) Gaudi configuration (mixed precision bf16/fp32): | | Latency (batch size = 1) | Throughput (batch size = 8) | | ---------------------- |:------------------------:|:---------------------------:| | first-generation Gaudi | 4.29s | 0.283 images/s | | Gaudi2 | 1.54s | 0.904 images/s |