import gradio as gr import time from openai import OpenAI import re import os client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ.get("openai")) model="gpt-4o-mini" ################## scheduler from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from datetime import datetime import time import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def keep_alive_adverse(): url = '' response = requests.get(url) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: print('success') soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') print( print(soup.title.string) else: print(f'URL: {url} failed') print('*'*20) hours = 12 interval = 60*60*hours scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(keep_alive_adverse, 'interval', seconds=interval) scheduler.start() ################## # llm = Llama(model_path="./snorkel-mistral-pairrm-dpo.Q4_K_M.gguf", # chat_format="chatml", # n_gpu_layers=0, # cpu only # n_ctx=6000) def split_text(text, llm, chunk_size): text_newline = text.split('\n') text_newline = [t for t in text_newline if len(t)>0] summary_list=[] new_list=[] for i, t in enumerate(text_newline): new_list.append(t) n_tokens=get_num_tokens('\n\n\n'.join(new_list), llm) if i==(len(text_newline)-1): summary_list.append('\n\n'.join(new_list)) elif n_tokens>chunk_size: summary_list.append('\n\n'.join(new_list)) new_list=[] return summary_list def all_to_list(all_sum, llm, chunk_size): summary_list = split_text(all_sum, llm, chunk_size) len_chunks = [get_num_tokens(chunk, llm) for chunk in summary_list] print(f'len_chunks: {len_chunks}') print(f'total parts: {len(summary_list)}') return summary_list def clean_output(text): text = text.replace('`','') text = re.sub(r'\d+\.', '', text) # removes numeric bullet points text = text.replace('- ',' ') text = text.replace('*','') text = text.replace('+','') return text def get_content_length(messages, llm): # print(messages) # user_list=[m for m in messages if m['role']=='user'] # assistant_list=[m for m in messages if m['role']=='assistant'] system_list=[m for m in messages if m['role']=='system'] # print(f'system: {system_list}') content_total=system_list[0]['content'] for i, (m) in enumerate(messages[1:]): content_total+=m['content'] return get_num_tokens(content_total, llm) def pop_first_user_assistant(messages): new_messages=[entry for i, entry in enumerate(messages) if i not in [1,2]] return new_messages def get_num_tokens(text, llm): bytes_string = text.encode('utf-8') tokens = llm.tokenize(bytes_string) return len(tokens) def response_stream(): global writer_messages, editor_messages, turn if turn=='writer': yield else: yield def adverse(message, history): global writer_messages, editor_messages, turn if len(message)>0: out = set_system_prompts(message) print(out) total_response = '' for i in range(8): # update writer_messages if len(writer_messages)==1: # first call writer_messages.append({ 'role':'user', 'content':'start your response now.', }) # check whose turn it is turn = 'writer' if len(writer_messages)%2==0 else 'editor' list_of_messages = writer_messages if turn=='writer' else editor_messages print(f'turn: {turn}\n\nlist_of_messages: {list_of_messages}') total_response+=f'\n\n\n**turn: {turn}**\n' ############################# # call llm.create_chat_completion for whoever's turn # response_iter # response_str = f'writer {len(writer_messages)}' if turn=='writer' else f'editor {len(editor_messages)}' # response_iter = iter(response_str.split(' ')) # response_iter = llm.create_chat_completion( # list_of_messages, # Prompt # max_tokens=-1, # stop=["###"], # stream=True # ) response_iter = model=model, messages=list_of_messages, stream=True, ) response='' for chunk in response_iter: try: response+=chunk.choices[0].delta.content total_response+=chunk.choices[0].delta.content # time.sleep(1) # print(f'chunk: {chunk}') yield total_response except Exception as e: print(e) total_response+='\n\n' if turn=='editor': response+='\nNow rewrite your response keeping my suggestions in mind.\n' ############################# # update writer_messages and editor_messages if turn=='writer': writer_messages.append({ 'role':'assistant', 'content':response, }) editor_messages.append({ 'role':'user', 'content':response, }) else: # editor writer_messages.append({ 'role':'user', 'content':response, }) editor_messages.append({ 'role':'assistant', 'content':response, }) max_tokens=4_000 chunk_size=1000 max_words = 10_000 print(f'max_words: {max_words}') # llm = Llama(model_path="E:\\yt\\bookSummary/Snorkel-Mistral-PairRM-DPO/snorkel-mistral-pairrm-dpo.Q4_K_M.gguf", chat_format="chatml", n_gpu_layers=-1, n_ctx=6000) writer_system_prompt_unformatted = '''You are a helpful assistant. {topic}''' editor_system_prompt_unformatted = '''You are a helpful editor. You give instructions on what I should write and provide feedback on my response. The topic I'm writing about is in the triple backticks: ```{topic}``` You should reinforce me to make my response match perfectly to the topic. You should analyze my response and provide reasoning to see if my response if correct. If my response is not correct you should use your analysis to guide me to the right response. You should push me to make my response as close as possible to the topic.''' writer_messages = [{'role':'system','content':writer_system_prompt_unformatted}] editor_messages = [{'role':'system','content':editor_system_prompt_unformatted}] turn = 'writer' def set_system_prompts(x): global writer_system_prompt, editor_system_prompt, writer_messages, editor_messages, writer_system_prompt_unformatted, editor_system_prompt_unformatted writer_system_prompt = writer_system_prompt_unformatted.format(topic=x) editor_system_prompt = editor_system_prompt_unformatted.format(topic=x) writer_messages = [{'role':'system','content':writer_system_prompt}] editor_messages = [{'role':'system','content':editor_system_prompt}] return f'writer system prompt:\n{writer_system_prompt}\n\neditor system prompt:\n{editor_system_prompt}' # with gr.Blocks() as demo: # gr.Markdown( # """ # # Multi Agent LLMs for End-to-End Story Generation # """) # hyper = gr.Interface( # fn=set_system_prompts, # inputs=gr.Textbox(placeholder="What is the topic?", label = 'Topic', lines=4), # outputs=gr.Textbox(label='System prompt to use', lines=4) # ) # out_test = gr.Textbox(lines=4) # button = gr.Button("test") # : f"{writer_system_prompt} \n\n\n{editor_system_prompt}", outputs=out_test) # chat_textbox = gr.Textbox(lines=10) chat = gr.ChatInterface( fn=adverse, examples=["Start the story", "Write a poem", 'The funniest joke ever!'], title="Multi-Agent Bot", autofocus=False, fill_height=True, # fill_vertical_space=True, # additional_inputs = hyper, # textbox = chat_textbox, ).queue() if __name__ == "__main__": chat.launch()