import openai import urllib.parse import streamlit as st openai.api_key = "EMPTY" # Key is ignored and does not matter openai.api_base = "" # Report issues def raise_issue(e, model, prompt): issue_title = urllib.parse.quote("[bug] Hosted Gorilla: ") issue_body = urllib.parse.quote(f"Exception: {e}\nFailed model: {model}, for prompt: {prompt}") issue_url = f"{issue_title}&body={issue_body}" print(f"An exception has occurred: {e} \nPlease raise an issue here: {issue_url}") # Query Gorilla server def get_gorilla_response(prompt="I would like to translate from English to French.", api_provider="Huggingface"): try: model = "gorilla-7b-hf-v0" if api_provider == "Huggingface": model = "gorilla-7b-hf-v0" if api_provider == "Torch Hub": model = "gorilla-7b-th-v0" if api_provider == "TensorFlow Hub": model = "gorilla-7b-tf-v0" completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}] ) return completion.choices[0].message.content except Exception as e: raise_issue(e, model, prompt) st.title("Try Gorilla 🦍") st.write("Large Language Model Connected with Massive APIs") st.markdown('* Read about this demo here: [Medium](') st.markdown('* All code was written with the help of CodeGPT (') st.write('---') col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: api_provider ="Select an API Provider:", ("Huggingface", "Torch Hub", "TensorFlow Hub")) with col2: input = st.text_input("Ask here:") st.write("Example: I would like to translate from English to French.") if api_provider and input: if st.button("Run Gorilla"): with st.spinner('Loading...'): st.success(get_gorilla_response(input, api_provider))