import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Mail import openai import json import whisper from audiorecorder import audiorecorder # whisper model = whisper.load_model('base') data_transcription = [] def send_email(email, subject, body): """send the user an email with the answer""" try: if(subject == ''): subject = 'GPT Email' message = Mail( # add the email connected to your sendgrid code here from_email='', to_emails=email, subject=subject, html_content=body ) st.write(message) sg = SendGridAPIClient(st.secrets["SENDGRID_API_KEY"]) response = sg.send(message) st.write(response.status_code) st.write(response.body) st.write(response.headers) except Exception as e: st.write(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") st.title('GPT Sends Emails') st.write('Instructions:') st.write('Paste your OpenAI API Key') st.write("Click on the 'Start recording' button and allow the browser permission to use the microphone. Say a sentence requesting to send an email with a message. You must say the person's full email address. Then click the same button to stop recording.") st.write("English example: Send an email to reminding him that he must study the OpenAI Functions API for tomorrow's exam") st.write("Ejemplo en Español: Envía un email a recordando que debe estudiar la API de funciones de OpenAI para el examen de mañana") result = False user_secret = '' user_input = False message = False audio = 0 button_run = False user_secret = st.text_input(label = ":blue[OpenAI API key]", value="", placeholder = "Paste your openAI API key, sk-", type = "password") if user_secret: audio = audiorecorder("Start recording", "Click to stop") if len(audio) > 0: # To play audio in frontend: # To save audio to a file: wav_file = open("audio.mp3", "wb") wav_file.write(audio.tobytes()) # Whisper output = model.transcribe("audio.mp3") with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): user_audio = output['text'] user_input = st.text_area("Message (You can edit the text if you want)", user_audio) button_run = st.button("Run") if(button_run): openai.api_key = user_secret response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": user_input}], functions=[ { "name": "send_email", "description": "Sends an email to a person", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "email": { "type": "string", "description": "A person to send the email", }, "body": {"type": "string"}, "subject": {"type": "string"}, }, }, } ], function_call="auto", ) message = response["choices"][0]["message"] st.write('GPT: ', message) if message.get("function_call"): function_name = message["function_call"]["name"] st.write('function_name: ', function_name) if(function_name == 'send_email'): # Access the arguments arguments = json.loads(message['function_call']['arguments']) email_arg = arguments['email'] body_arg = arguments['body'] if(arguments['subject']): arguments['subject'] = 'GPT Email' subject_arg = arguments['subject'] # Step 3, call the function function_response = send_email( email_arg, subject_arg, body_arg ) st.write('Function Send Email:') st.write(function_response) else: st.warning('Paste your OpenAI API Key to continue')