FileGPT 🤖

Read the article to know how it works: Medium Article With File GPT you will be able to extract all the information from a file. You will obtain the transcription, the embedding of each segment and also ask questions to the file through a chat. All code was written with the help of Code GPT Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-08 a la(s) 9 16 43 p  m

# Features - Read any pdf, docx, txt or csv file - Embedding texts segments with Langchain and OpenAI (**text-embedding-ada-002**) - Chat with the file using **streamlit-chat** and LangChain QA with source and (**text-davinci-003**) # Running Locally 1. Clone the repository ```bash git clone cd file-gpt ``` 2. Install dependencies These dependencies are required to install with the requirements.txt file: * openai * pypdf * scikit-learn * numpy * tiktoken * docx2txt * langchain * pydantic * typing * faiss-cpu * streamlit_chat ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 3. Run the Streamlit server ```bash streamlit run ```