import gradio as gr import hopsworks import pandas as pd import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from textwrap import wrap def create_tweet_img(text, img_file, user): # Constants # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the font to be used FONT_USER_INFO = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 90, encoding="utf-8") FONT_TEXT = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 110, encoding="utf-8") # Image dimensions (pixels) WIDTH = 2376 HEIGHT = 2024 # Color scheme COLOR_BG = 'white' COLOR_NAME = 'black' COLOR_TAG = (64, 64, 64) COLOR_TEXT = 'black' # Write coordinates COORD_PHOTO = (250, 170) COORD_NAME = (600, 185) COORD_TAG = (600, 305) COORD_TEXT = (250, 510) # Extra space to add in between lines of text LINE_MARGIN = 15 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Information for the image # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if user == 0: user_name = "Elon Musk GPT2" user_tag = "@elonmusk-gpt2" text = text img_name = "test" if user == 1: user_name = "Elon Musk" user_tag = "@elonmusk" text = text img_name = "test" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup of variables and calculations # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Break the text string into smaller strings, each having a maximum of 37\ # characters (a.k.a. create the lines of text for the image) text_string_lines = wrap(text, 37) # Horizontal position at which to start drawing each line of the tweet body x = COORD_TEXT[0] # Current vertical position of drawing (starts as the first vertical drawing\ # position of the tweet body) y = COORD_TEXT[1] # Create an Image object to be used as a means of extracting the height needed\ # to draw each line of text temp_img ='RGB', (0, 0)) temp_img_draw_interf = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img) # List with the height (pixels) needed to draw each line of the tweet body # Loop through each line of text, and extract the height needed to draw it,\ # using our font settings line_height = [ temp_img_draw_interf.textsize(text_string_lines[i], font=FONT_TEXT)[1] for i in range(len(text_string_lines)) ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Image creation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create what will be the final image img ='RGB', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color='white') # Create the drawing interface draw_interf = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # Draw the user name draw_interf.text(COORD_NAME, user_name, font=FONT_USER_INFO, fill=COLOR_NAME) # Draw the user handle draw_interf.text(COORD_TAG, user_tag, font=FONT_USER_INFO, fill=COLOR_TAG) # Draw each line of the tweet body. To find the height at which the next\ # line will be drawn, add the line height of the next line to the current\ # y position, along with a small margin for index, line in enumerate(text_string_lines): # Draw a line of text draw_interf.text((x, y), line, font=FONT_TEXT, fill=COLOR_TEXT) # Increment y to draw the next line at the adequate height y += line_height[index] + LINE_MARGIN # Load the user photo (read-mode). It should be a 250x250 circle # load image im = im = im.resize((250, 250)) # Resize the image im = im.resize((250, 250)) # Create a circular mask mask ='L', (250, 250), 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.ellipse((0, 0) + (250, 250), fill=255) # Apply the mask to the image im.putalpha(mask) # Paste the user photo into the working image. We also use the photo for\ # its own mask to keep the photo's transparencies img.paste(im, COORD_PHOTO, mask=im) # Finally, save the created image return img # ---------------------------- project = hopsworks.login() fs = project.get_feature_store() monitor_fg = fs.get_feature_group(name="em_gpt_monitor", version=1) monitor_df = original_tweet = monitor_df["original_tweet"].iloc[-1] predicted_tweet = monitor_df["predicted_tweet"].iloc[-1] random_tweet = monitor_df["random_tweet"].iloc[-1] original_tweet_image = create_tweet_img(original_tweet, "emprofilepic.jpg", 1) predicted_tweet_image = create_tweet_img(predicted_tweet, "twitterprofilepicgpt2.png", 0) random_tweet_image = create_tweet_img(random_tweet, "twitterprofilepicgpt2.png", 0) original_im = original_tweet_image.convert("RGB") predicted_im = predicted_tweet_image.convert("RGB") random_im = random_tweet_image.convert("RGB") with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Label("Today's Tweet by Elon Musk") input_img = gr.Image(original_im, elem_id="original-img") with gr.Column(): gr.Label("Today's Predicted Tweet Using The Original Tweet by Elon Musk") input_img = gr.Image(predicted_im, elem_id="Predicted_img") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Label("Today's Random Tweet Generated by GPT-2") input_img = gr.Image(random_im, elem_id="Random_img") demo.launch()