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import asyncio
import urllib
from typing import Iterable
import gradio as gr
import markdown as md
import pandas as pd
from distilabel.cli.pipeline.utils import _build_pipeline_panel, get_pipeline
from gradio_huggingfacehub_search import HuggingfaceHubSearch
from gradio_leaderboard import ColumnFilter, Leaderboard, SearchColumns, SelectColumns
from gradio_modal import Modal
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFileSystem, RepoCard
from huggingface_hub.hf_api import DatasetInfo
# Initialize the Hugging Face API
api = HfApi()
example = HuggingfaceHubSearch().example_value()
fs = HfFileSystem()
def _categorize_dtypes(df):
dtype_mapping = {
'int64': 'number',
'float64': 'number',
'bool': 'bool',
'datetime64[ns]': 'date',
'datetime64[ns, UTC]': 'date',
'object': 'str'
categorized_dtypes = []
for column, dtype in df.dtypes.items():
dtype_str = str(dtype)
if dtype_str in dtype_mapping:
return categorized_dtypes
def _get_tag_category(entry: list[str], tag_category: str):
for item in entry:
if tag_category in item:
return item.split(f"{tag_category}:")[-1]
return None
def _has_pipeline(repo_id):
file_path = f"datasets/{repo_id}/pipeline.log"
url = "{file_path}"
if fs.exists(file_path):
pipeline = get_pipeline(url)
return str(_build_pipeline_panel(pipeline))
return ""
async def check_pipelines(repo_ids):
tasks = [_has_pipeline(fs, repo_id) for repo_id in repo_ids]
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return dict(zip(repo_ids, results))
def _search_distilabel_repos(query: str = None,):
filter = "library:distilabel"
if query:
filter = f"{filter}&search={urllib.urlencode(query)}"
datasets: Iterable[DatasetInfo] = api.list_datasets(filter=filter)
data = [ex.__dict__ for ex in datasets]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
df["size_categories"] = df.tags.apply(_get_tag_category, args=["size_categories"])
# df["has_pipeline"] =
df["has_pipeline"] = ""
subset_columns = ['id', 'likes', 'downloads', "size_categories", 'has_pipeline', 'last_modified', 'description']
new_column_order = subset_columns + [col for col in df.columns if col not in subset_columns]
df = df[new_column_order]
return df
def _create_modal_info(row: dict) -> str:
def _get_main_title(repo_id):
return f'<h1> <a href="{repo_id}">{repo_id}</a> </h1>'
def _embed_dataset_viewer(repo_id):
return (
f"""<iframe src="{repo_id}/embed/viewer" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="560px"></iframe>"""
def _get_dataset_card(repo_id):
return md.markdown(RepoCard.load(repo_id_or_path=repo_id, repo_type="dataset").text)
return "<br>".join([
f'pipeline available: {_has_pipeline(repo_id=row["id"])}',
# Define the Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks(delete_cache=[1,1]) as demo:
gr.Markdown("# ⚗️ Distilabel Synthetic Data Pipeline Finder")
gr.HTML("Select a dataset to show the pipeline, dataset viewer and model card.")
df: pd.DataFrame = _search_distilabel_repos()
leader_board = Leaderboard(
search_columns=SearchColumns(primary_column="id", secondary_columns=["description", "author"],
placeholder="Search by id, description or author. To search by description or author, type 'description:<query>', 'author:<query>'",
ColumnFilter("likes", type="slider", min=0, max=df.likes.max(), default=[0, df.likes.max()]),
ColumnFilter("downloads", type="slider", min=0, max=df.downloads.max(), default=[0, df.downloads.max()]),
ColumnFilter("size_categories", type="checkboxgroup"),
ColumnFilter("has_pipeline", type="checkboxgroup"),
"_id", "private", "gated", "disabled", "sha", "downloads_all_time", "paperswithcode_id", "tags", "siblings",
"cardData", "lastModified", "card_data", "key"],
select_columns=SelectColumns(default_selection=["id", "last_modified", "downloads", "likes", "size_categories"],
label="Select The Columns",
info="Helpful information"),
with Modal() as modal:
markdown = gr.HTML(value="test")
def update(leader_board, markdown, evt: gr.SelectData):
if not isinstance(evt.index, int):
index = evt.index[0] # Assuming evt.index is a list or similar structure
markdown = _create_modal_info(row=leader_board.iloc[index].to_dict())
modal = Modal(visible=True)
return leader_board, markdown, modal
return leader_board, markdown, [leader_board, markdown], [leader_board, markdown, modal], show_progress="hidden")
if __name__ == "__main__":