from fastai.layers import * from .layers import * from fastai.torch_core import * from fastai.callbacks.hooks import * from import * # The code below is meant to be merged into fastaiv1 ideally __all__ = ['DynamicUnetDeep', 'DynamicUnetWide'] def _get_sfs_idxs(sizes: Sizes) -> List[int]: "Get the indexes of the layers where the size of the activation changes." feature_szs = [size[-1] for size in sizes] sfs_idxs = list( np.where(np.array(feature_szs[:-1]) != np.array(feature_szs[1:]))[0] ) if feature_szs[0] != feature_szs[1]: sfs_idxs = [0] + sfs_idxs return sfs_idxs class CustomPixelShuffle_ICNR(nn.Module): "Upsample by `scale` from `ni` filters to `nf` (default `ni`), using `nn.PixelShuffle`, `icnr` init, and `weight_norm`." def __init__( self, ni: int, nf: int = None, scale: int = 2, blur: bool = False, leaky: float = None, **kwargs ): super().__init__() nf = ifnone(nf, ni) self.conv = custom_conv_layer( ni, nf * (scale ** 2), ks=1, use_activ=False, **kwargs ) icnr(self.conv[0].weight) self.shuf = nn.PixelShuffle(scale) # Blurring over (h*w) kernel # "Super-Resolution using Convolutional Neural Networks without Any Checkerboard Artifacts" # - self.pad = nn.ReplicationPad2d((1, 0, 1, 0)) self.blur = nn.AvgPool2d(2, stride=1) self.relu = relu(True, leaky=leaky) def forward(self, x): x = self.shuf(self.relu(self.conv(x))) return self.blur(self.pad(x)) if self.blur else x class UnetBlockDeep(nn.Module): "A quasi-UNet block, using `PixelShuffle_ICNR upsampling`." def __init__( self, up_in_c: int, x_in_c: int, hook: Hook, final_div: bool = True, blur: bool = False, leaky: float = None, self_attention: bool = False, nf_factor: float = 1.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__() self.hook = hook self.shuf = CustomPixelShuffle_ICNR( up_in_c, up_in_c // 2, blur=blur, leaky=leaky, **kwargs ) = batchnorm_2d(x_in_c) ni = up_in_c // 2 + x_in_c nf = int((ni if final_div else ni // 2) * nf_factor) self.conv1 = custom_conv_layer(ni, nf, leaky=leaky, **kwargs) self.conv2 = custom_conv_layer( nf, nf, leaky=leaky, self_attention=self_attention, **kwargs ) self.relu = relu(leaky=leaky) def forward(self, up_in: Tensor) -> Tensor: s = self.hook.stored up_out = self.shuf(up_in) ssh = s.shape[-2:] if ssh != up_out.shape[-2:]: up_out = F.interpolate(up_out, s.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') cat_x = self.relu([up_out,], dim=1)) return self.conv2(self.conv1(cat_x)) class DynamicUnetDeep(SequentialEx): "Create a U-Net from a given architecture." def __init__( self, encoder: nn.Module, n_classes: int, blur: bool = False, blur_final=True, self_attention: bool = False, y_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, last_cross: bool = True, bottle: bool = False, norm_type: Optional[NormType] = NormType.Batch, nf_factor: float = 1.0, **kwargs ): extra_bn = norm_type == NormType.Spectral imsize = (256, 256) sfs_szs = model_sizes(encoder, size=imsize) sfs_idxs = list(reversed(_get_sfs_idxs(sfs_szs))) self.sfs = hook_outputs([encoder[i] for i in sfs_idxs], detach=False) x = dummy_eval(encoder, imsize).detach() ni = sfs_szs[-1][1] middle_conv = nn.Sequential( custom_conv_layer( ni, ni * 2, norm_type=norm_type, extra_bn=extra_bn, **kwargs ), custom_conv_layer( ni * 2, ni, norm_type=norm_type, extra_bn=extra_bn, **kwargs ), ).eval() x = middle_conv(x) layers = [encoder, batchnorm_2d(ni), nn.ReLU(), middle_conv] for i, idx in enumerate(sfs_idxs): not_final = i != len(sfs_idxs) - 1 up_in_c, x_in_c = int(x.shape[1]), int(sfs_szs[idx][1]) do_blur = blur and (not_final or blur_final) sa = self_attention and (i == len(sfs_idxs) - 3) unet_block = UnetBlockDeep( up_in_c, x_in_c, self.sfs[i], final_div=not_final, blur=blur, self_attention=sa, norm_type=norm_type, extra_bn=extra_bn, nf_factor=nf_factor, **kwargs ).eval() layers.append(unet_block) x = unet_block(x) ni = x.shape[1] if imsize != sfs_szs[0][-2:]: layers.append(PixelShuffle_ICNR(ni, **kwargs)) if last_cross: layers.append(MergeLayer(dense=True)) ni += in_channels(encoder) layers.append(res_block(ni, bottle=bottle, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs)) layers += [ custom_conv_layer(ni, n_classes, ks=1, use_activ=False, norm_type=norm_type) ] if y_range is not None: layers.append(SigmoidRange(*y_range)) super().__init__(*layers) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "sfs"): self.sfs.remove() # ------------------------------------------------------ class UnetBlockWide(nn.Module): "A quasi-UNet block, using `PixelShuffle_ICNR upsampling`." def __init__( self, up_in_c: int, x_in_c: int, n_out: int, hook: Hook, final_div: bool = True, blur: bool = False, leaky: float = None, self_attention: bool = False, **kwargs ): super().__init__() self.hook = hook up_out = x_out = n_out // 2 self.shuf = CustomPixelShuffle_ICNR( up_in_c, up_out, blur=blur, leaky=leaky, **kwargs ) = batchnorm_2d(x_in_c) ni = up_out + x_in_c self.conv = custom_conv_layer( ni, x_out, leaky=leaky, self_attention=self_attention, **kwargs ) self.relu = relu(leaky=leaky) def forward(self, up_in: Tensor) -> Tensor: s = self.hook.stored up_out = self.shuf(up_in) ssh = s.shape[-2:] if ssh != up_out.shape[-2:]: up_out = F.interpolate(up_out, s.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') cat_x = self.relu([up_out,], dim=1)) return self.conv(cat_x) class DynamicUnetWide(SequentialEx): "Create a U-Net from a given architecture." def __init__( self, encoder: nn.Module, n_classes: int, blur: bool = False, blur_final=True, self_attention: bool = False, y_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, last_cross: bool = True, bottle: bool = False, norm_type: Optional[NormType] = NormType.Batch, nf_factor: int = 1, **kwargs ): nf = 512 * nf_factor extra_bn = norm_type == NormType.Spectral imsize = (256, 256) sfs_szs = model_sizes(encoder, size=imsize) sfs_idxs = list(reversed(_get_sfs_idxs(sfs_szs))) self.sfs = hook_outputs([encoder[i] for i in sfs_idxs], detach=False) x = dummy_eval(encoder, imsize).detach() ni = sfs_szs[-1][1] middle_conv = nn.Sequential( custom_conv_layer( ni, ni * 2, norm_type=norm_type, extra_bn=extra_bn, **kwargs ), custom_conv_layer( ni * 2, ni, norm_type=norm_type, extra_bn=extra_bn, **kwargs ), ).eval() x = middle_conv(x) layers = [encoder, batchnorm_2d(ni), nn.ReLU(), middle_conv] for i, idx in enumerate(sfs_idxs): not_final = i != len(sfs_idxs) - 1 up_in_c, x_in_c = int(x.shape[1]), int(sfs_szs[idx][1]) do_blur = blur and (not_final or blur_final) sa = self_attention and (i == len(sfs_idxs) - 3) n_out = nf if not_final else nf // 2 unet_block = UnetBlockWide( up_in_c, x_in_c, n_out, self.sfs[i], final_div=not_final, blur=blur, self_attention=sa, norm_type=norm_type, extra_bn=extra_bn, **kwargs ).eval() layers.append(unet_block) x = unet_block(x) ni = x.shape[1] if imsize != sfs_szs[0][-2:]: layers.append(PixelShuffle_ICNR(ni, **kwargs)) if last_cross: layers.append(MergeLayer(dense=True)) ni += in_channels(encoder) layers.append(res_block(ni, bottle=bottle, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs)) layers += [ custom_conv_layer(ni, n_classes, ks=1, use_activ=False, norm_type=norm_type) ] if y_range is not None: layers.append(SigmoidRange(*y_range)) super().__init__(*layers) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "sfs"): self.sfs.remove()