#!/bin/bash # Ensure /data exists and has the correct permissions if [ ! -d /data ]; then sudo mkdir -p /data sudo chown user:user /data fi # Copy notebooks to /data, appending _UPDATED to filenames if they already exist shopt -s globstar for file in /home/user/notebooks/**/*; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then relative_path="${file#/home/user/notebooks/}" target_file="/data/$relative_path" target_dir=$(dirname "$target_file") if [ ! -d "$target_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$target_dir" fi if [ -e "$target_file" ]; then new_filename="${target_file%.*}_UPDATED.${target_file##*.}" target_file="$new_filename" fi cp "$file" "$target_file" fi done JUPYTER_TOKEN="${JUPYTER_TOKEN:=huggingface}" echo "Starting Jupyter Lab with token $JUPYTER_TOKEN" NOTEBOOK_DIR="/data" jupyter-lab \ --ip \ --port 7860 \ --no-browser \ --allow-root \ --ServerApp.token="$JUPYTER_TOKEN" \ --ServerApp.tornado_settings="{'headers': {'Content-Security-Policy': 'frame-ancestors *'}}" \ --ServerApp.cookie_options="{'SameSite': 'None', 'Secure': True}" \ --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf=True \ --LabApp.news_url=None \ --LabApp.check_for_updates_class="jupyterlab.NeverCheckForUpdate" \ --notebook-dir=$NOTEBOOK_DIR