import contextlib from typing import Literal, Tuple, List import httpx import nbformat from nbformat import NotebookNode, ValidationError from nbconvert import HTMLExporter from starlette.applications import Starlette from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException from starlette.responses import FileResponse, JSONResponse, HTMLResponse from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.routing import Route from nbconvert.preprocessors import Preprocessor import re from traitlets.config import Config from huggingface_hub import model_info, dataset_info from huggingface_hub.utils import RepositoryNotFoundError from functools import lru_cache hub_id_regex = re.compile(r"[^\w]([a-zA-Z\d-]{3,32}\/[\w\-._]{3,64})[^\w/]") @lru_cache( maxsize=4096 ) # TODO possibly make async but might be tricky to call inside PreProcessor def check_hub_item(hub_id_match): with contextlib.suppress(RepositoryNotFoundError): model_info(hub_id_match) return hub_id_match, "model" with contextlib.suppress(RepositoryNotFoundError): dataset_info(hub_id_match) return hub_id_match, "dataset" # async def check_repo_exists(regex_hub_id_match: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: # r = await client.get(f"{regex_hub_id_match}") # if r.status_code == 200: # return regex_hub_id_match, 'model' # r = await client.get(f"{regex_hub_id_match}") # if r.status_code == 200: # return regex_hub_id_match, 'dataset' class HubIDCell(Preprocessor): def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, index): if cell["cell_type"] == "code": resources.setdefault("dataset_matches", set()) resources.setdefault("model_matches", set()) if match :=, cell["source"]): hub_id_match = match.groups(0)[0] if ( hub_id_match not in resources["model_matches"] or resources["dataset_matches"] ): if hub_check := check_hub_item(hub_id_match): hub_id_match, repo_item_type = hub_check if repo_item_type == "model": resources["model_matches"].add(hub_id_match) if repo_item_type == "dataset": resources["dataset_matches"].add(hub_id_match) return cell, resources c = Config() c.HTMLExporter.preprocessors = [HubIDCell] client = httpx.AsyncClient() html_exporter = HTMLExporter(config=c) async def homepage(_): return FileResponse("static/index.html") async def healthz(_): return JSONResponse({"success": True}) @lru_cache(maxsize=2048) def convert( s: str, theme: Literal["light", "dark"], debug_info: str ) -> Tuple[str, List[str], List[str]]: # Capture potential validation error: try: notebook_node: NotebookNode = nbformat.reads( s, as_version=nbformat.current_nbformat, ) except nbformat.reader.NotJSONError: print(400, f"Notebook is not JSON. {debug_info}") raise HTTPException(400, "Notebook is not JSON.") except ValidationError as e: print( 400, f"Notebook is invalid according to nbformat: {e}. {debug_info}", ) raise HTTPException( 400, f"Notebook is invalid according to nbformat: {e}.", ) print(f"Input: nbformat v{notebook_node.nbformat}.{notebook_node.nbformat_minor}") html_exporter.theme = theme body, metadata = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook_node) metadata = dict(metadata) model_matches = metadata["model_matches"] dataset_matches = metadata["dataset_matches"] # TODO(customize or simplify template?) # TODO(also check source code for jupyter/nbviewer) for model_match in model_matches: print(f"updating {model_match}") body = body.replace( model_match, f"""{model_match} """, ) for dataset_match in dataset_matches: body = body.replace( dataset_match, f"""{dataset_match} """, ) return body, metadata["model_matches"], metadata["dataset_matches"] async def convert_from_url(req: Request): url = req.query_params.get("url") theme = "dark" if req.query_params.get("theme") == "dark" else "light" if not url: raise HTTPException(400, "Param url is missing") print("\n===", url) r = await client.get( url, follow_redirects=True, # httpx no follow redirect by default ) if r.status_code != 200: raise HTTPException( 400, f"Got an error {r.status_code} when fetching remote file" ) # return HTMLResponse(content=convert(r.text, theme=theme, debug_info=f"url={url}")) html_text, model_matches, dataset_matches = convert( r.text, theme=theme, debug_info=f"url={url}" ) # return HTMLResponse(content=html_text) return JSONResponse( content={ "html": html_text, "model_matches": list(model_matches), "dataset_matches": list(dataset_matches), } ) async def convert_from_upload(req: Request): theme = "dark" if req.query_params.get("theme") == "dark" else "light" s = (await req.body()).decode("utf-8") return HTMLResponse( content=convert( s, theme=theme, debug_info=f"upload_from={req.headers.get('user-agent')}" ) ) app = Starlette( debug=False, routes=[ Route("/", homepage), Route("/healthz", healthz), Route("/convert", convert_from_url), Route("/upload", convert_from_upload, methods=["POST"]), ], )