######################################################################################################################## ## Basic configuration file. ## ## ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ Semantic Dipoles Corpora ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA = { 'attributes': [ ["a photo of a female.", "a photo of a male."], ["a photo of an old person.", "a photo of a young person."], ["a photo of a smiling person.", "a photo of a sad person."], ["a photo of a bald man.", "a photo of a man with hair."], ["a photo of a man with beard.", "a photo of a shaved man."], ["a photo of a face with makeup.", "a photo of a face without makeup."], ["a photo of a person with closed eyes.", "a photo of a person with open eyes."], ["a photo of a person with open lips.", "a photo of a person with closed lips."], ["a photo of a person with tanned skin.", "a photo of a person with pale skin."], ], 'expressions': [ ["a photo of a person with a happy face.", "a photo of a person with a neutral face."], ["a photo of a person with a sad face.", "a photo of a person with a neutral face."], ["a photo of a person with a fearful face.", "a photo of a person with a neutral face."], ["a photo of a person with a disgusted face.", "a photo of a person with a neutral face."], ["a photo of a person with an angry face.", "a photo of a person with a neutral face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with a neutral face."], ["a photo of a person with a sad face.", "a photo of a person with a happy face."], ["a photo of a person with a fearful face.", "a photo of a person with a happy face."], ["a photo of a person with a disgusted face.", "a photo of a person with a happy face."], ["a photo of a person with an angry face.", "a photo of a person with a happy face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with a happy face."], ["a photo of a person with a fearful face.", "a photo of a person with a sad face."], ["a photo of a person with a disgusted face.", "a photo of a person with a sad face."], ["a photo of a person with an angry face.", "a photo of a person with a sad face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with a sad face."], ["a photo of a person with a disgusted face.", "a photo of a person with a fearful face."], ["a photo of a person with an angry face.", "a photo of a person with a fearful face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with a fearful face."], ["a photo of a person with an angry face.", "a photo of a person with a disgusted face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with a disgusted face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with an angry face."], ], 'expressions3': [ ["a photo of a person with a happy face.", "a photo of a person with an angry face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with an angry face."], ["a photo of a person in surprise.", "a photo of a person with a happy face."], ], 'complex': [ ["a photo of a man with a beard crying.", "a photo of an angry shaved man."], ["a photo of a man with a beard crying.", "a photo of a happy shaved man."], ["a photo of a man with a beard crying.", "a photo of a shaved man with makeup."], ], 'dogs': [ ["a photo of a happy dog.", "a photo of a sad dog."], ["a photo of a long haired dog.", "a photo of a short haired dog."], ["a photo of a friendly dog.", "a photo of an aggressive dog."], ["a photo of a dog with big eyes.", "a photo of a dog with small eyes."] ], 'cats': [ ["a photo of a long haired cat.", "a photo of a short haired cat."], ["a photo of a cute cat.", "a photo of an ugly cat."], ["a photo of a cat with big ears.", "a photo of a cat with small ears."] ], 'cars': [ ["a photo of a jeep.", "a photo of a low car."], ["a photo of a sports car.", "a photo of a city car."], ["a photo of a modern car.", "a photo of a car from the sixties."], ], } ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ Pre-trained ContraCLIP models ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## ContraCLIP_models = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/bootpdxhnp9z6ce/contraclip_models.tar?dl=1', '0941c96d311700ef881bed38350d6d0cc38151255a34db94a5f9400758398a7f') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ SFD ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## SFD = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/jssqpwyp4edp20o/sfd.tar?dl=1', '2bea5f1c10110e356eef3f4efd45169100b9c7704eb6e6abd309df58f34452d4') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ ArcFace ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## ARCFACE = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/idulblr8pdrmbq1/arcface.tar?dl=1', 'edd5854cacd86c17a78a11f70ab8c49bceffefb90ee070754288fa7ceadcdfb2') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ FairFace ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## FAIRFACE = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqrydpw7nv27ass/fairface.tar?dl=1', '0e78ff8b79612e52e226461fb67f6cff43cef0959d1ab2b520acdcc9105d065e') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ HopeNet ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## HOPENET = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsw7gmo4gkqrbsv/hopenet.tar?dl=1', '8c9d67dd8f82ce3332c43b5fc407dc57674d1f16fbe7f0743e9ad57ede73e33f') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ AU Detector ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## AUDET = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkkf1gda9o8ed47/au_detector.tar?dl=1', 'dbdf18bf541de3c46769d712866bef38496b7528072850c28207747b2b2c101e') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ CelebA Attributes ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## CELEBA_ATTRIBUTES = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxbegherkpvgbw9/celeba_attributes.tar?dl=1', '45276f2df865112c7488fe128d8c79527da252aad30fc541417b9961dfdd9bbc') ######################################################################################################################## ## ## ## [ GenForce GAN Generators ] ## ## ## ######################################################################################################################## GENFORCE = ('https://www.dropbox.com/s/3osul10173lbhut/genforce.tar?dl=1', 'f9a0f98435cac4fb7599c2cc29858e48365c0998f9f48079efa5faf6c07aa3e1') GENFORCE_MODELS = { # ===[ ProgGAN ]=== 'pggan_celebahq1024': ('pggan_celebahq1024.pth', 1024), 'pggan_church256': ('pggan_church256.pth', 256), 'pggan_car256': ('pggan_car256.pth', 256), # ===[ StyleGAN2 ]=== 'stylegan2_ffhq1024': ('stylegan2_ffhq1024.pth', 1024), 'stylegan2_afhqcat512': ('stylegan2_afhqcat512.pth', 512), 'stylegan2_afhqdog512': ('stylegan2_afhqdog512.pth', 512), 'stylegan2_car512': ('stylegan2_car512.pth', 512), 'stylegan2_church256': ('stylegan2_church256.pth', 256) } STYLEGAN_LAYERS = { 'stylegan2_ffhq1024': 18, 'stylegan2_afhqcat512': 16, 'stylegan2_afhqdog512': 16, 'stylegan2_car512': 16, 'stylegan2_church256': 14, }