import numpy as np import gradio as gr from segmentation import get_mask,replace_sofa from styleTransfer import resize_sofa,resize_style,create_styledSofa from PIL import Image def style_sofa(input_img: np.ndarray, style_img: np.ndarray): """ Styles (all) the sofas in the image to the given style. This function uses a transformer to combine the image with the desired style according to a generated mask of the sofas in the image. Input: input_img = image containing a sofa style_img = image containing a style Return: new_sofa = image containing the styled sofa """ # preprocess input images to be (640,640) squares to fit requirements of the segmentation model resized_img,box = resize_sofa(input_img) resized_style = resize_style(style_img) # generate mask for image mask = get_mask(resized_img) styled_sofa = create_styledSofa(resized_img,resized_style) # postprocess the final image new_sofa = replace_sofa(resized_img,mask,styled_sofa) new_sofa = Image.fromarray(new_sofa).crop(box) return new_sofa image = gr.inputs.Image() style = gr.inputs.Image() demo = gr.Interface( style_sofa, [image,style], 'image', examples=[ ['sofa_example1.jpg','style_example1.jpg'], ['sofa_example1.jpg','style_example2.jpg'], ['sofa_example1.jpg','style_example3.jpg'], ['sofa_example1.jpg','style_example4.jpg'], ['sofa_example1.jpg','style_example5.jpg'], ], title="🛋 Style your sofa 🛋 ", description="Customize your sofa to your wildest dreams!\ \nProvide a picture of your sofa and a desired pattern\ \n or choose one of the examples below", ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch() #