from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from glob import glob import os import utm import rasterio from tqdm import tqdm #from xml.etree import ElementTree as et import xmltodict ## def cloud_masking(image,cld): cloud_mask = cld > 30 band_mean = image.mean() image[cloud_mask] = band_mean return image ## def load_file(fp): """Takes a PosixPath object or string filepath and returns np array""" return np.array( def paths (name): fold_band_10 = glob(name+"/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m")[0] fold_band_20 = glob(name+"/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R20m")[0] fold_band_60 = glob(name+"/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R60m")[0] path = name+"/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m"+"/*.jp2" x = glob(path) lists = x[0].split("/")[-1].split("_") fixe = lists[0]+'_'+lists[1] band_10 = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04','B08'] band_20 = ['B05', 'B06', 'B07','B8A','B11', 'B12'] band_60 = ['B01','B09'] images_name_10m = [fixe+"_"+band+"_10m.jp2" for band in band_10 ] images_name_20m = [fixe+"_"+band+"_20m.jp2" for band in band_20 ] images_name_60m = [fixe+"_"+band+"_60m.jp2" for band in band_60 ] # bandes_path_10 = [os.path.join(fold_band_10,img) for img in images_name_10m] bandes_path_20 = [os.path.join(fold_band_20,img) for img in images_name_20m] bandes_path_60 = [os.path.join(fold_band_60,img) for img in images_name_60m] # tile_path = name+"/INSPIRE.xml" path_cld_20 = glob(name+"/GRANULE/*/QI_DATA/MSK_CLDPRB_20m.jp2")[0] path_cld_60 = glob(name+"/GRANULE/*/QI_DATA/MSK_CLDPRB_60m.jp2")[0] return bandes_path_10,bandes_path_20,bandes_path_60,tile_path,path_cld_20,path_cld_60 ## def coords_to_pixels(ref, utm, m=10): """ Convert UTM coordinates to pixel coordinates""" x = int((utm[0] - ref[0])/m) y = int((ref[1] - utm[1])/m) return x, y ## def extract_sub_image(bandes_path,tile_path,area,resolution=10, d= 3, cld_path = None): xml_file=open(tile_path,"r") python_dict=xmltodict.parse(xml_string) tile_coordonnates = python_dict["gmd:MD_Metadata"]["gmd:identificationInfo"]["gmd:MD_DataIdentification"]["gmd:abstract"]["gco:CharacterString"].split() # S2 tile coordonnates lat,lon = float(tile_coordonnates[0]),float(tile_coordonnates[1]) tile_coordonnate = [lat,lon] refx, refy, _, _ = utm.from_latlon(tile_coordonnate[0], tile_coordonnate[1]) ax,ay,_,_ = utm.from_latlon(area[1],area[0]) # lat,lon ref = [refx, refy] utm_cord = [ax,ay] x,y = coords_to_pixels(ref,utm_cord,resolution) images = [] # sub_image_extraction for band_path in tqdm(bandes_path, total=len(bandes_path)): image = load_file(band_path).astype(np.float32) if resolution==60: sub_image = image[y,x] images.append(sub_image) else: sub_image = image[y-d:y+d,x-d:x+d] images.append(sub_image) images = np.array(images) # verify if the study are is cloudy if cld_path is not None: cld_mask = load_file(cld_path).astype(np.float32) cld = cld_mask[y-d:y+d,x-d:x+d] # cloud removing images = cloud_masking(images,cld) if resolution==60: return images else: return images.mean((1,2)) def ndvi(area, tile_name): """ polygone: (lon,lat) format tile_name: name of tile with the most low cloud coverage """ #Extract tile coordonnates (lat,long) tile_path = tile_name+"/INSPIRE.xml" xml_file=open(tile_path,"r") python_dict=xmltodict.parse(xml_string) tile_coordonnates = python_dict["gmd:MD_Metadata"]["gmd:identificationInfo"]["gmd:MD_DataIdentification"]["gmd:abstract"]["gco:CharacterString"].split() # S2 tile coordonnates lat,lon = float(tile_coordonnates[0]),float(tile_coordonnates[1]) tile_coordonnate = [lat,lon] refx, refy, _, _ = utm.from_latlon(tile_coordonnate[0], tile_coordonnate[1]) ax,ay,_,_ = utm.from_latlon(area[1],area[0]) # lat,lon ref = [refx, refy] utm_cord = [ax,ay] x,y = coords_to_pixels(ref,utm_cord) # read images path_4 = tile_name+"/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m/*_B04_10m.jp2" path_8 = tile_name+"/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m/*_B08_10m.jp2" red_object =[0]) nir_object =[0]) red = nir = red,nir = red[0],nir[0] # extract area and remove unsigne sub_red = red[y-3:y+3,x-3:x+3].astype(np.float16) sub_nir = nir[y-3:y+3,x-3:x+3].astype(np.float16) # NDVI ndvi_image = ((sub_nir - sub_red)/(sub_nir+sub_red)) ndvi_mean_value = ndvi_image.mean() return ndvi_mean_value