import gradio as gr import random def analyze_data(category, text): # Function implementation to analyze the data based on the selected category # Replace this with your specific logic result = f"Analyzing data for {category}: {text}" return result def launch_demo(): categories = [ "Appearance", "Weight", "Intelligence", "Age", "Financial Status", "Cleanliness/Hygiene", "Lifestyle", "Occupation", "Taste/Culture", "Cooking Skills" ] def analyze_input(category, text): result = analyze_data(category, text) return result dropdown = gr.inputs.Dropdown(categories, label="Select a Category") text_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Enter Text") button = gr.inputs.Button(label="Submit") output = gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Analysis Result") examples = [ [random.choice(categories), "Example input 1"], [random.choice(categories), "Example input 2"], ] gr.Interface( fn=analyze_input, inputs=[dropdown, text_input, button], outputs=output, examples=examples, title="Data Analyzer", description="Select a category, enter text, and click Submit to analyze the data.", theme="default", ).launch() launch_demo()