This is the encapsulation of what I want future to be

by GodBlessMachines - opened

This project made me excited for the future again, and it was more powerful than any research I did in my uni to make me believe humanity has great potential.
I entered a crab gun, and your machine gave me this gem
I couldn't imagine such genious depiction, yet AI gave it to me
I understand that my view might seem stupid or childish, but this is absolutely incredible, and for some reason gave me strength to not kill myself for some time, just because I saw this in my lifetime, and it gives me hope that there is much more to see of AI of this scale and artistic expression

I am absolutely not joking this is my honest feelings
God bless the developers, god bless the result, god bless the machines

The crab gun has cheered me up as well,for the events in the thing below this one have driven and parked my mind by a ledge. I wouldn't look in that place if I were you,cause the good vibes would be gone in a second.

You want the future to not be working?

You want the future to not be working?

I find it weirdly poetic, future is wonderful, just some losers from 4chan try to ruin it

The number of reasons to dislike 4chan grow everyday.

is 4chan the ones making the server slow what they do why do dislike them??

is 4chan the ones making the server slow what they do why do dislike them??

Reportedly,they're using a spam bot to continuously try and make more images,which clogs up the servers. This isn't the only reason to hate them,however,but I don't feel like going down one of the internets largest rabbit holes.

oh i didnt know they w make the server slow i thought tey just do bad images 4chan can be funny some times i jsut hate when peopke try to slow down things im sure its not all them

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