Photo Input

by jstn - opened

This application is freaking awesome but it'd be cool if you could add a few photo's to influence the concept of the art the AI designs which would be different from some of the other AI apps that just change the photo you upload. I'm thinking more of a creative vat to draw ideas from that would affect the overall outcome and possibly make it faster in the long run. Just a thought, I truly love the idea!

is dalle 1 available?

Unfortunately a image input is not possible because of it's transformer-style of generation. It is not a diffusion model.

I second image input.

DALL-E 2 has an image input but not DALL-E Mini. If DALL-E Mini doesn鈥檛 have an image input to allow for variations and inpainting, it will never replace DALL-E 2 as a publicly accessible alternative.

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