does putting iters on the command make images better?

by jhowcf074 - opened

here is an image without iters in the command

and here is the image with iters in the command


I don't know for sure, but I suspect if it isn't hardcoded as a aparameter it just becomes another keyword. Here's what comes up with


Hello short answer " yes" and now the long one your "iters" thing can change the result but it is just a small little thing into the ocean of possiblity to have a better result with the ia look what the other do and perhaps one day somebody open a wiki page with alls the useful commands ?

A Craiyon equivalent of this would be amazing - but of course there's a lot of time and effort involved here

School boys of 1980th tried to learn programming by typing in computer shops all kinds of nonsense into the BASIC command line prompt of early homecomputers (C64 and the like), hoping to get an intelligent reaction. Most time the only answer was "SYNTAX ERROR" when it was no proper BASIC command.

With Craiyon it seems the same, only that any word it doesn't know gets silently ignored or replaced by random (some kind of semantic intuition??) which makes it pretend to be more clever than it actually is by acting like Eliza.

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