King Kitty has left the building...

by KingKitty - opened

bye bye 01.jpg


Hey dude, I love them! :) I keep thinking of the Greta one and cracking up 馃槅 Was kinda awkward in my college class

Hey KingKitty, please! Don't leave! I enjoyed every single one of Your postings, I want more!





BattleLemming, these are breathtaking! 馃ぉ



BattleLemming, you sir, have proven to be a worthy and honorable man who is loyal to the throne.
You have moved me with your stirring portraits, which are so true to life. You have managed to capture my regal
and stately profile, yet have also captured my particular flair for fashion. Kudos and huzzah, Sir BattleLemming!

For let it be known, across the land, as of this day, in the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty-two, on the seventeenth day
in the month we will now know of as October, King Kitty will return to serve his loyal followers, his Nation and his God.
So it has been written. So it will be done.


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