The galactic Zoo Pt. XI : Non-Carbon-Based Life

by MadScientist - opened

Far out from the Goldilocks Zone, where it's so cold that ice is as hard as rock and methane and ammonia flow like water, life takes up shapes never seen before.
Life as we know it uses carbon compounds for basic structural and metabolic functions, water as a solvent, and DNA or RNA to define and control their form. Out there in the cold, other elements replace carbon, water and DNA. And then, the flesh becomes silicone...
[ For a better introduction to this highly complicated matter, I strongly recommend this wikipedia entry: ]

For now, let's stimulate our fantasy:

A mound of nets??
Crystallic 12.jpeg
Towering crystals??
Crystallic 31.jpeg
Crystallic 37.jpeg
Bubbles in a regular pattern??
Planet 11.jpeg
Planet 12.jpeg
vines 1.jpeg
Rocks "sweating" oil??
oily 10.jpeg
oily 11.jpeg
oily 5.jpeg
"Look! That drop of oil, it's flowing uphill!"
oily 22.jpeg
oily 14.jpeg
Crystals in all kinds of shapes:
Crystallic 7.jpeg
Crystallic 42.jpeg
Crystallic 46.jpeg
Crystallic 48.jpeg
Crystallic 52.jpeg
Crystallic 53.jpeg
Crystals with superconducting wires ? What informations do they store??
Crystallic 1.jpeg
micromacro 17.jpeg
vines 3.jpeg
vines 5.jpeg

More complex Crystalcreatures:
Crystallic 13.jpeg
Crystallic 16.jpeg
Crystallic 17.jpeg
Crystallic 22.jpeg
Crystallic 5.jpeg
Crystallic 50.jpeg
Worms, the Crown of Creation??
micromacro 50.jpeg
Crystallic 23.jpeg
Crystallic 24.jpeg
Crystallic 25.jpeg
Crystallic 26.jpeg
Crystallic 27.jpeg

this is really cool concept

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