import soundfile as sf import torch import fire import torch.nn.functional as F from torchaudio.transforms import Resample from models.ecapa_tdnn import ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL MODEL_LIST = ['ecapa_tdnn', 'hubert_large', 'wav2vec2_xlsr', 'unispeech_sat', "wavlm_base_plus", "wavlm_large"] def init_model(model_name, checkpoint=None): if model_name == 'unispeech_sat': config_path = 'config/' model = ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL(feat_dim=1024, feat_type='unispeech_sat', config_path=config_path) elif model_name == 'wavlm_base_plus': config_path = None model = ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL(feat_dim=768, feat_type='wavlm_base_plus', config_path=config_path) elif model_name == 'wavlm_large': config_path = None model = ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL(feat_dim=1024, feat_type='wavlm_large', config_path=config_path) elif model_name == 'hubert_large': config_path = None model = ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL(feat_dim=1024, feat_type='hubert_large_ll60k', config_path=config_path) elif model_name == 'wav2vec2_xlsr': config_path = None model = ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL(feat_dim=1024, feat_type='wav2vec2_xlsr', config_path=config_path) else: model = ECAPA_TDNN_SMALL(feat_dim=40, feat_type='fbank') if checkpoint is not None: state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(state_dict['model'], strict=False) return model def verification(model_name, wav1, wav2, use_gpu=True, checkpoint=None): assert model_name in MODEL_LIST, 'The model_name should be in {}'.format(MODEL_LIST) model = init_model(model_name, checkpoint) wav1, sr1 = wav2, sr2 = wav1 = torch.from_numpy(wav1).unsqueeze(0).float() wav2 = torch.from_numpy(wav2).unsqueeze(0).float() resample1 = Resample(orig_freq=sr1, new_freq=16000) resample2 = Resample(orig_freq=sr2, new_freq=16000) wav1 = resample1(wav1) wav2 = resample2(wav2) if use_gpu: model = model.cuda() wav1 = wav1.cuda() wav2 = wav2.cuda() model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): emb1 = model(wav1) emb2 = model(wav2) sim = F.cosine_similarity(emb1, emb2) # print("The similarity score between two audios is {:.4f} (-1.0, 1.0).".format(sim[0].item())) return sim[0].item() def verification_batch(model_name, batch_wav1, batch_wav2, use_gpu=True, checkpoint=None): assert model_name in MODEL_LIST, 'The model_name should be in {}'.format(MODEL_LIST) model = init_model(model_name, checkpoint) # print(str(batch_wav1[0])) sr1 =[0]))[1] sr2 =[0]))[1] # print(sr1) batch_wav1 = [torch.from_numpy([0][:50000]).unsqueeze(0).float() for wav in batch_wav1] batch_wav2 = [torch.from_numpy([0][:50000]).unsqueeze(0).float() for wav in batch_wav2] resample1 = Resample(orig_freq=sr1, new_freq=16000) resample2 = Resample(orig_freq=sr2, new_freq=16000) batch_wav1 =[resample1(wav) for wav in batch_wav1], 0) batch_wav2 =[resample2(wav) for wav in batch_wav2], 0) # print(batch_wav1.shape) # print(batch_wav2.shape) if use_gpu: model = model.cuda() batch_wav1 = batch_wav1.cuda() batch_wav2 = batch_wav2.cuda() model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): emb1 = model(batch_wav1) emb2 = model(batch_wav2) sim = F.cosine_similarity(emb1, emb2 ,dim=-1) return sim.cpu().numpy() if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire(verification)