# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from fairseq import utils from fairseq.incremental_decoding_utils import with_incremental_state from .conv_tbc import ConvTBC from typing import Dict, Optional from torch import Tensor @with_incremental_state class LinearizedConvolution(ConvTBC): """An optimized version of nn.Conv1d. At training time, this module uses ConvTBC, which is an optimized version of Conv1d. At inference time, it optimizes incremental generation (i.e., one time step at a time) by replacing the convolutions with linear layers. Note that the input order changes from training to inference. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, **kwargs): super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, **kwargs) self._linearized_weight = None self.register_backward_hook(self._clear_linearized_weight) def state_dict(self, destination=None, prefix="", keep_vars=False): state = ConvTBC.state_dict(self, destination, prefix, keep_vars=keep_vars) # don't store redundant _linearized_weight in checkpoints if prefix + "_linearized_weight" in state: del state[prefix + "_linearized_weight"] return state def upgrade_state_dict_named(self, state_dict, name): prefix = name + "." if name != "" else "" if prefix + "_linearized_weight" in state_dict: del state_dict[prefix + "_linearized_weight"] @torch.jit.export def forward( self, input, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]] = None, ): """ Args: incremental_state: Used to buffer signal; if not None, then input is expected to contain a single frame. If the input order changes between time steps, call reorder_incremental_state. Input: Time x Batch x Channel during training Batch x Time x Channel during inference """ if incremental_state is None: output = self.conv_tbc(input) if self.kernel_size[0] > 1 and self.padding[0] > 0: # remove future timesteps added by padding output = output[: -self.padding[0], :, :] return output # reshape weight weight = self._get_linearized_weight() kw = self.kernel_size[0] bsz = input.size(0) # input: bsz x len x dim if kw > 1: input = input.data input_buffer = self._get_input_buffer(incremental_state) if input_buffer is None: input_buffer = input.new(bsz, kw, input.size(2)).zero_() self._set_input_buffer(incremental_state, input_buffer) else: # shift buffer input_buffer[:, :-1, :] = input_buffer[:, 1:, :].clone() # append next input input_buffer[:, -1, :] = input[:, -1, :] input = input_buffer with torch.no_grad(): output = F.linear(input.view(bsz, -1), weight, self.bias) return output.view(bsz, 1, -1) @torch.jit.unused def reorder_incremental_state( self, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]], new_order, ): input_buffer = self._get_input_buffer(incremental_state) if input_buffer is not None: input_buffer = input_buffer.index_select(0, new_order) self._set_input_buffer(incremental_state, input_buffer) @torch.jit.unused def _get_input_buffer( self, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]] ): return utils.get_incremental_state(self, incremental_state, "input_buffer") @torch.jit.unused def _set_input_buffer( self, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]], new_buffer, ): return utils.set_incremental_state( self, incremental_state, "input_buffer", new_buffer ) @torch.jit.unused def _get_linearized_weight(self): if self._linearized_weight is None: kw = self.kernel_size[0] weight = self.weight.transpose(2, 1).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() assert weight.size() == (self.out_channels, kw, self.in_channels) return weight.view(self.out_channels, -1) return self._linearized_weight @torch.jit.unused def _clear_linearized_weight(self, *args): self._linearized_weight = None