import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from io import StringIO import csv from transformers import pipeline # Load the text classification model pipeline classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model="cychristophercyc/Group12_CustomModel_victory", return_all_scores=True) summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="facebook/bart-large-cnn") # Streamlit application title st.title("News Categorization") st.write("Upload a CVS file containing content in 'content' column") list_of_dictionaries = [] genre = "What's your Chosen Category", [":rainbow[Business and Finance]", ":rainbow[Health and Wellness]", ":rainbow[Sports]", ":rainbow[Arts, Culture, and Entertainment]", ":rainbow[Politics]", ":rainbow[Science and Technology]", ], ) if genre == ':rainbow[Business and Finance]': st.write('You selected Business and Finance.') select = "Business and Finance" if genre == ':rainbow[Health and Wellness]': st.write('You selected Health and Wellness.') select = "Health and Wellness" if genre == ':rainbow[Sports]': st.write('You selected Sports.') select = "Sports" if genre == ':rainbow[Arts, Culture, and Entertainment]': st.write('You selected Arts, Culture, and Entertainment.') select = "Arts, Culture, and Entertainment" if genre == ':rainbow[Politics]': st.write('You selected Politics.') select = "Politics" if genre == ':rainbow[Science and Technology]': st.write('You selected Science and Technology.') select = "Science and Technology" # upload file uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file") if uploaded_file is not None: dataframe = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) # Continue with your Streamlit app logic, e.g., displaying the DataFrame st.write(dataframe) # rest of your code to process the dataframe else: # You can choose to write an error message or just do nothing st.write("Please upload a CSV file to proceed.") if st.button("Classify"): # Perform text classification on the input text for n in range(len(dataframe)): results = classifier(dataframe['content'].iloc[n])[0] # Display the classification result max_score = float('-inf') max_label = '' for result in results: if result['score'] > max_score: max_score = result['score'] max_label = result['label'] new_dictionary = { "Text":dataframe['content'].iloc[n], "Label" : max_label } list_of_dictionaries.append(new_dictionary) filtered_list = [d for d in list_of_dictionaries if d['Label'].strip() == select] st.write(len(filtered_list)) for m in range(len(filtered_list)): summarize = summarizer(filtered_list[m]['Text'])[0] st.write(f"Summary No.{m}:", summarize)