from config import DEMO_TITLE, IS_SHARE, IS_DEBUG, CV_EXT, EXT_TXT from config import CHEAP_API_BASE, CHEAP_API_KEY, CHEAP_MODEL from config import STRONG_API_BASE, STRONG_API_KEY, STRONG_MODEL from util import is_valid_url from util import mylogger from util import stream_together # from util import checkAPI from taskNonAI import extract_url, file_to_html, compile_pdf from taskAI import TaskAI ## load data from _data_test import mock_jd, mock_cv ## ui import gradio as gr ## dependency from pypandoc.pandoc_download import download_pandoc ## std import os import json ## debug from icecream import ic ## platform specific from _hf import HF, REPO_ID logger = mylogger(__name__, "%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s") info = def init(): try: os.system("shot-scraper install -b firefox") download_pandoc() except Exception as e: ic(e) if HF: HF.restart_space(REPO_ID) ## Config Functions def set_same_cheap_strong( set_same: bool, cheap_base, cheap_key, cheap_model, strong_base, strong_key, strong_model, ): # setup_zone = gr.Accordion("AI setup (OpenAI-compatible LLM API)", open=True) if set_same: return ( gr.Textbox(value=cheap_base, label="API Base", interactive=False), gr.Textbox( value=cheap_key, label="API key", type="password", interactive=False ), gr.Textbox(value=cheap_model, label="Model ID", interactive=False), # setup_zone, ) else: return ( gr.Textbox(value=strong_base, label="API Base", interactive=True), gr.Textbox( value=strong_key, label="API key", type="password", interactive=True ), gr.Textbox(value=strong_model, label="Model ID", interactive=True), # setup_zone, ) ## Main Functions def prepare_input(jd_info, cv_file: str, cv_text): if jd_info: if is_valid_url(jd_info): jd = extract_url(jd_info) else: jd = jd_info else: jd = mock_jd if cv_text: cv = cv_text elif cv_file: if any([cv_file.endswith(ext) for ext in EXT_TXT]): with open(cv_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: cv = else: cv = file_to_html(cv_file) else: cv = mock_cv return jd, cv def run_refine(api_base, api_key, api_model, jd_info, cv_text): jd, cv = jd_info, cv_text cheapAPI = {"base": api_base, "key": api_key, "model": api_model} taskAI = TaskAI(cheapAPI, temperature=0.2, max_tokens=2048) # max_tokens=2048 info("API initialized") gen = stream_together( taskAI.jd_preprocess(input=jd), taskAI.cv_preprocess(input=cv), ) for result in gen: yield result def run_compose(api_base, api_key, api_model, min_jd, min_cv, is_debug): strongAPI = {"base": api_base, "key": api_key, "model": api_model} taskAI = TaskAI(strongAPI, is_debug=is_debug, temperature=0.6, max_tokens=4000) info("Composing letter with CoT ...") result = "" for response in taskAI.compose_letter_CoT(jd=min_jd, resume=min_cv): result += yield result def finalize_letter_txt(api_base, api_key, api_model, debug_CoT): cheapAPI = {"base": api_base, "key": api_key, "model": api_model} taskAI = TaskAI(cheapAPI, temperature=0.2, max_tokens=2048) info("Finalizing letter ...") result = "" for response in taskAI.purify_letter(full_text=debug_CoT): result += yield result def finalize_letter_pdf( api_base, api_key, api_model, jd, cv, cover_letter_text, is_debug ): cheapAPI = {"base": api_base, "key": api_key, "model": api_model} taskAI = TaskAI(cheapAPI, temperature=0.1, max_tokens=100) meta_data = next(taskAI.get_jobapp_meta(JD=jd, CV=cv)) pdf_context = json.loads(meta_data) if is_debug: ic(pdf_context) pdf_context["letter_body"] = cover_letter_text return meta_data, compile_pdf( pdf_context, tmpl_path="app/typst/template_letter.tmpl", output_path=f"cover_letter_by_{pdf_context['applicantFullName']}_to_{pdf_context['companyFullName']}.pdf", is_debug=is_debug, ) with gr.Blocks( title=DEMO_TITLE, theme=gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue="sky", secondary_hue="emerald", neutral_hue="stone" ), ) as app: intro = f"""# {DEMO_TITLE} > You provide job description and résumé, and I write Cover letter for you! """ gr.Markdown(intro) with gr.Accordion("READ ME FIRST", open=False): guide = gr.Markdown("""## Setup > Expand "AI Setup" panel and setup API for 2 AI agents, **CheapAI** and **StrongAI**, before you start. + `API Key`: If you have no idea, go to + `Model ID`: - **CheapAI**: + `gpt-3.5-turbo` any variant should be fine unless OpenAI make them lazier and dumber. + `Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1` works well + `gemma-7b-it` usually can't understand instructions properly and cause error. - **StrongAI**: + `Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1` can do the job. + Models with small context window size like won't work, such as - `gpt-3.5-turbo-0613` - perhaps `gpt-4-0613` Model choice can be a interesting topic involing quite a few experiments. Feel free to try any other models you like! ## Troubleshooting - If your API is on localhost / local network, you may need to host this app on local network too. - If your API is on some AI service platform, review if you have enough balance / credits / quota on the platform. - If you are sure that you have set up the API correctly, but encounter an error along the way, try click the "Go!" button again. - Try change AI provider / model. - Report to GitHub issue if you believe it's a bug. """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Accordion( "AI setup (OpenAI-compatible LLM API)", open=False ) as setup_zone: is_debug = gr.Checkbox(label="Debug Mode", value=IS_DEBUG) gr.Markdown( "**CheapAI**, an honest format converter and refiner, extracts essential info from job description and résumé, to reduce subsequent cost on Strong AI." ) with gr.Group(): cheap_base = gr.Textbox(value=CHEAP_API_BASE, label="API Base") cheap_key = gr.Textbox( value=CHEAP_API_KEY, label="API key", type="password" ) cheap_model = gr.Textbox(value=CHEAP_MODEL, label="Model ID") gr.Markdown( "---\n**StrongAI**, a thoughtful wordsmith, generates perfect cover letters to make both you and recruiters happy." ) is_same_cheap_strong = gr.Checkbox( label="the same as Cheap AI", value=False, container=False ) with gr.Group(): strong_base = gr.Textbox(value=STRONG_API_BASE, label="API Base") strong_key = gr.Textbox( value=STRONG_API_KEY, label="API key", type="password" ) strong_model = gr.Textbox(value=STRONG_MODEL, label="Model ID") with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown("## Employer - Job Description") jd_info = gr.Textbox( label="Job Description", placeholder="Paste as Full Text (recommmend) or URL", lines=5, max_lines=10, ) with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown("## Applicant - CV / Résumé") # with gr.Row(): cv_file = gr.File( label="Allowed formats: " + " ".join(CV_EXT), file_count="single", file_types=CV_EXT, type="filepath", ) cv_text = gr.TextArea( label="Or enter text", placeholder="If attempting to both upload a file and enter text, only this text will be used.", ) with gr.Column(scale=2): gr.Markdown("## Result") with gr.Accordion("Reformatting", open=True) as reformat_zone: with gr.Row(): min_jd = gr.TextArea(label="Clean verion of Job Description") min_cv = gr.TextArea(label="Clean verion of CV / Résumé") with gr.Accordion("Expert Zone", open=False) as expert_zone: debug_CoT = gr.Textbox(label="Chain of Thoughts") debug_jobapp = gr.Textbox(label="Job application meta data") cover_letter_text = gr.Textbox(label="Cover Letter") cover_letter_pdf = gr.File( label="Cover Letter PDF", file_count="multiple", type="filepath", ) infer_btn = gr.Button("Go!", variant="primary") is_same_cheap_strong.change( fn=set_same_cheap_strong, inputs=[ is_same_cheap_strong, cheap_base, cheap_key, cheap_model, strong_base, strong_key, strong_model, ], outputs=[strong_base, strong_key, strong_model], ).then( fn=lambda: gr.Accordion("AI setup (OpenAI-compatible LLM API)", open=True), inputs=None, outputs=[setup_zone], ) fn=set_same_cheap_strong, inputs=[ is_same_cheap_strong, cheap_base, cheap_key, cheap_model, strong_base, strong_key, strong_model, ], outputs=[strong_base, strong_key, strong_model], ).then( fn=lambda: gr.Accordion("AI setup (OpenAI-compatible LLM API)", open=False), inputs=None, outputs=[setup_zone], ).success( fn=prepare_input, inputs=[jd_info, cv_file, cv_text], outputs=[jd_info, cv_text] ).success( fn=lambda: gr.Accordion("Reformatting", open=True), inputs=None, outputs=[reformat_zone], ).success( fn=run_refine, inputs=[cheap_base, cheap_key, cheap_model, jd_info, cv_text], outputs=[min_jd, min_cv], ).success( fn=lambda: [ gr.Accordion("Expert Zone", open=True), gr.Accordion("Reformatting", open=False), ], inputs=None, outputs=[expert_zone, reformat_zone], ).success( fn=run_compose, inputs=[strong_base, strong_key, strong_model, min_jd, min_cv, is_debug], outputs=[debug_CoT], ).success( fn=lambda: gr.Accordion("Expert Zone", open=False), inputs=None, outputs=[expert_zone], ).success( fn=finalize_letter_txt, inputs=[cheap_base, cheap_key, cheap_model, debug_CoT], outputs=[cover_letter_text], ).success( fn=finalize_letter_pdf, inputs=[ cheap_base, cheap_key, cheap_model, jd_info, cv_text, cover_letter_text, is_debug, ], outputs=[debug_jobapp, cover_letter_pdf], ) if __name__ == "__main__": init() app.queue(max_size=1, default_concurrency_limit=1).launch( show_error=True, debug=True, share=IS_SHARE )