#python app.py import gradio as gr import os import pandas as pd import requests from pathlib import Path import ctranslate2 import time import logging import transformers import json import io from tqdm import tqdm import subprocess from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download, upload_file # Function to download a Parquet file from a specified URL def download_parquet(url, local_path): response = requests.get(url, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: with open(local_path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): file.write(chunk) print("File downloaded successfully.") else: print(f"Failed to download file, status code: {response.status_code}") # Function to convert Parquet files to JSONL format def convert_parquet_to_jsonl_polars(input_file, output_dir, override=False): output_dir_path = Path(output_dir) output_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) input_path = Path(input_file) output_file_path = output_dir_path / input_path.with_suffix(".jsonl").name if output_file_path.exists() and not override: print(f"Skipping because output exists already: {output_file_path}") else: df = pl.read_parquet(input_path) df.write_ndjson(output_file_path) print(f"Data written to {output_file_path}") def convert_parquet_to_jsonl(parquet_filename, jsonl_filename): # Read the parquet file df = pd.read_parquet(parquet_filename) # Convert the dataframe to a JSON string and handle Unicode characters and forward slashes json_str = df.to_json(orient='records', lines=True, force_ascii=False) # Replace escaped forward slashes if needed json_str = json_str.replace('\\/', '/') # Write the modified JSON string to the JSONL file with open(jsonl_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(json_str) print(f"Data saved to {jsonl_filename}") # Function to count lines in a JSONL file def count_lines_in_jsonl(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: line_count = sum(1 for _ in file) return line_count def parse_range_specification(range_specification, file_length): line_indices = [] ranges = range_specification.split(',') for r in ranges: if '-' in r: parts = r.split('-') start = int(parts[0]) - 1 if parts[0] else 0 end = int(parts[1]) - 1 if parts[1] else file_length - 1 if start < 0 or end >= file_length: logging.error(f"Range {r} is out of bounds.") continue # Skip ranges that are out of bounds line_indices.extend(range(start, end + 1)) else: single_line = int(r) - 1 if single_line < 0 or single_line >= file_length: logging.error(f"Line number {r} is out of bounds.") continue # Skip line numbers that are out of bounds line_indices.append(single_line) return line_indices def translate_text(text, translator, tokenizer): """ Translates the given text from English to German using CTranslate2 and the WMT21 model, with special handling for newlines and segmenting text longer than 500 characters. Ensures sequences of newlines (\n\n, \n\n\n, etc.) are accurately reproduced. """ try: segments = [] newline_sequences = [] # To store sequences of newlines segment = "" i = 0 while i < len(text): # Collect sequences of newlines if text[i] == '\n': newline_sequence = '\n' while i + 1 < len(text) and text[i + 1] == '\n': newline_sequence += '\n' i += 1 if segment: segments.append(segment) # Add the preceding text segment segment = "" newline_sequences.append(newline_sequence) # Store the newline sequence else: segment += text[i] # If segment exceeds 500 characters, or if we reach the end of the text, process it if len(segment) >= 500 or i == len(text) - 1: end_index = max(segment.rfind('.', 0, 500), segment.rfind('?', 0, 500), segment.rfind('!', 0, 500)) if end_index != -1 and len(segment) > 500: # Split at the last punctuation within the first 500 characters segments.append(segment[:end_index+1]) segment = segment[end_index+1:].lstrip() else: # No suitable punctuation or end of text, add the whole segment segments.append(segment) segment = "" i += 1 # Translate the collected text segments translated_segments = [] for segment in segments: source = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.encode(segment)) target_prefix = [tokenizer.lang_code_to_token["de"]] results = translator.translate_batch([source], target_prefix=[target_prefix]) target = results[0].hypotheses[0][1:] translated_segment = tokenizer.decode(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(target)) translated_segments.append(translated_segment) # Reassemble the translated text with original newline sequences translated_text = "" for i, segment in enumerate(translated_segments): translated_text += segment if i < len(newline_sequences): translated_text += newline_sequences[i] # Insert the newline sequence return translated_text.strip() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred during translation: {e}") return None def translate_item_ufb(item, raw_file_path, translator, tokenizer): try: # Translate the prompt directly since it's a string translated_prompt = translate_text(item['prompt'], translator, tokenizer) # Translate the chosen and rejected contents translated_chosen = [] for choice in item['chosen']: translated_content = translate_text(choice['content'], translator, tokenizer) translated_chosen.append({'content': translated_content, 'role': choice['role']}) translated_rejected = [] for choice in item['rejected']: translated_content = translate_text(choice['content'], translator, tokenizer) translated_rejected.append({'content': translated_content, 'role': choice['role']}) # Write the raw response to a backup file with open(raw_file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as raw_file: raw_file.write(f"Prompt: {translated_prompt}\n") raw_file.write(f"Chosen: {json.dumps(translated_chosen, ensure_ascii=False)}\n") raw_file.write(f"Rejected: {json.dumps(translated_rejected, ensure_ascii=False)}\n\n") logging.info("Translation request successful.") # Update the original item with the translated fields item['prompt'] = translated_prompt item['chosen'] = translated_chosen item['rejected'] = translated_rejected return item except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred during translation: {e}") return None def validate_item_ufb(item): # Check basic required fields including 'prompt' as a simple string required_fields = ['source', 'prompt', 'chosen', 'rejected'] for field in required_fields: if field not in item: logging.warning(f"Missing required field: {field}") return False if field == 'prompt' and not isinstance(item['prompt'], str): logging.warning("Prompt must be a string.") return False # Check 'chosen' and 'rejected' which should be lists of dictionaries for field in ['chosen', 'rejected']: if not isinstance(item[field], list) or not item[field]: logging.warning(f"No entries or incorrect type for section: {field}") return False for idx, message in enumerate(item[field]): if 'content' not in message or 'role' not in message: logging.warning(f"Missing 'content' or 'role' field in {field} at index {idx}") return False if not isinstance(message['content'], str) or not isinstance(message['role'], str): logging.warning(f"Invalid type for 'content' or 'role' field in {field} at index {idx}") return False return True def translate_item_mix(item, raw_file_path, translator, tokenizer): """ Translates the relevant fields in the given item from English to German using CTranslate2 and the WMT21 model, and saves the raw response to a backup file. """ #print ("translating:", item) try: # Translate each part of the prompt separately and preserve the order translated_prompts = [] for message in item['prompt']: translated_content = translate_text(message['content'], translator, tokenizer) translated_prompts.append({'content': translated_content, 'role': message['role']}) # Translate the chosen and rejected contents translated_chosen_content = translate_text(item['chosen'][0]['content'], translator, tokenizer) translated_rejected_content = translate_text(item['rejected'][0]['content'], translator, tokenizer) # Write the raw response to a backup file with open(raw_file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as raw_file: raw_file.write("Prompt content:\n") for translated_prompt in translated_prompts: raw_file.write(f"{translated_prompt['role']}: {translated_prompt['content']}\n") raw_file.write(f"Chosen content: {translated_chosen_content}\n") raw_file.write(f"Rejected content: {translated_rejected_content}\n\n") logging.info("Translation request successful.") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred during translation: {e}") return None # Update the original item with the translated fields item['prompt'] = translated_prompts item['chosen'][0]['content'] = translated_chosen_content item['rejected'][0]['content'] = translated_rejected_content logging.info("Translation processing successful.") return item def validate_item_mix(item): """ Validates the structure, presence, and content of required fields in the given item, allowing for multiple elements in the 'prompt' field for multi-turn conversations. """ required_fields = ['dataset', 'prompt', 'chosen', 'rejected'] for field in required_fields: if field not in item: logging.warning(f"Missing required field: {field}") return False # Check for at least one element in 'prompt' and exactly one element in 'chosen' and 'rejected' if len(item['prompt']) < 1 or len(item['chosen']) != 1 or len(item['rejected']) != 1: logging.warning("Invalid number of elements in 'prompt', 'chosen', or 'rejected' field.") return False # Validate 'content' and 'role' fields in all messages of 'prompt', and single elements of 'chosen' and 'rejected' for choice in item['prompt'] + item['chosen'] + item['rejected']: if 'content' not in choice or 'role' not in choice: logging.warning("Missing 'content' or 'role' field in choice.") return False if not isinstance(choice['content'], str) or not isinstance(choice['role'], str): logging.warning("Invalid type for 'content' or 'role' field in choice.") return False return True def translate_item_orpo(item, raw_file_path, translator, tokenizer): try: translated_texts = {} # Cache to store translated texts # Translate the prompt if necessary (which is a user input and can appear again) if item['prompt'] not in translated_texts: translated_prompt = translate_text(item['prompt'], translator, tokenizer) translated_texts[item['prompt']] = translated_prompt else: translated_prompt = translated_texts[item['prompt']] # Helper function to handle content translation with caching def get_translated_content(content): if content not in translated_texts: translated_texts[content] = translate_text(content, translator, tokenizer) return translated_texts[content] # Process translations for chosen and rejected sections def translate_interactions(interactions): translated_interactions = [] for interaction in interactions: translated_content = get_translated_content(interaction['content']) translated_interactions.append({'content': translated_content, 'role': interaction['role']}) return translated_interactions translated_chosen = translate_interactions(item['chosen']) translated_rejected = translate_interactions(item['rejected']) # Write the raw response to a backup file with open(raw_file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as raw_file: raw_file.write(f"Prompt: {translated_prompt}\n") raw_file.write(f"Chosen: {json.dumps(translated_chosen, ensure_ascii=False)}\n") raw_file.write(f"Rejected: {json.dumps(translated_rejected, ensure_ascii=False)}\n\n") logging.info("Translation request successful.") # Update the original item with the translated fields item['prompt'] = translated_prompt item['chosen'] = translated_chosen item['rejected'] = translated_rejected return item except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred during translation: {e}") return None def validate_item_orpo(item): # Check basic required fields required_fields = ['source', 'prompt', 'chosen', 'rejected'] for field in required_fields: if field not in item: logging.warning(f"Missing required field: {field}") return False # Ensure 'prompt' is a string if not isinstance(item['prompt'], str): logging.warning("Prompt must be a string.") return False # Check 'chosen' and 'rejected' which should be lists of dictionaries for field in ['chosen', 'rejected']: if not isinstance(item[field], list) or not item[field]: logging.warning(f"No entries or incorrect type for section: {field}") return False for idx, message in enumerate(item[field]): if 'content' not in message or 'role' not in message: logging.warning(f"Missing 'content' or 'role' field in {field} at index {idx}") return False if not isinstance(message['content'], str) or not isinstance(message['role'], str): logging.warning(f"Invalid type for 'content' or 'role' field in {field} at index {idx}") return False return True def process_file(input_file_path, output_file_path, raw_file_path, line_indices, translator, tokenizer, model_type): try: # Assigning validation and translation functions based on model_type if model_type == "mix": print ("translating a mix-style model...") validate_item = validate_item_mix translate_item = translate_item_mix elif model_type == "orpo": print ("translating an orpo-style model...") validate_item = validate_item_orpo translate_item = translate_item_orpo # def translate_item_ufb(item, raw_file_path, translator, tokenizer): elif model_type == "ufb": print ("translating an ultrafeedback-style model...") validate_item = validate_item_ufb translate_item = translate_item_ufb # def translate_item_ufb(item, raw_file_path, translator, tokenizer): else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported model_type: {model_type}") with open(input_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data_points = [json.loads(line) for line in file] failed_items = [] failed_items_indices = [] for index in tqdm(line_indices, desc="Processing lines", unit="item"): item = data_points[index] # Validate the item structure if not validate_item(item): logging.warning("Skipping item due to invalid structure.") failed_items.append(item) continue # Translate the relevant fields in the item translated_item = None retry_count = 0 while translated_item is None and retry_count < 3: print ("going to translate the item...") translated_item = translate_item(item, raw_file_path, translator, tokenizer) retry_count += 1 if translated_item is None: logging.warning(f"Translation failed for item. Retry attempt: {retry_count}") time.sleep(1) if translated_item is not None: translated_item['index'] = index with open(output_file_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(json.dumps(translated_item, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n") else: failed_items_indices.append(index) failed_items.append(item) logging.error("Translation failed after multiple attempts. Skipping item.") # Validate the translated item structure if not validate_item(translated_item): logging.warning("Skipping translated item due to invalid structure.") failed_items.append(item) continue with open('failed_items.jsonl', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for item in failed_items: file.write(json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n") failed_items_str = generate_failed_items_str(failed_items_indices) with open('failed_items_index.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(failed_items_str) logging.info("Translation completed successfully.") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") def generate_failed_items_str(indices): """ Converts a list of failed item indices into a string. """ if not indices: return "" # Sort the list of indices and initialize the first range indices.sort() range_start = indices[0] current = range_start ranges = [] for i in indices[1:]: if i == current + 1: current = i else: if range_start == current: ranges.append(f"{range_start}") else: ranges.append(f"{range_start}-{current}") range_start = current = i # Add the last range if range_start == current: ranges.append(f"{range_start}") else: ranges.append(f"{range_start}-{current}") return ",".join(ranges) # Function to upload the output file to Hugging Face def upload_output_to_huggingface(output_file_path, repo_name, token): upload_file( path_or_fileobj=output_file_path, path_in_repo=output_file_path, repo_id=repo_name, repo_type="dataset", token=token ) print(f"Uploaded {output_file_path} to Hugging Face repository: {repo_name}") def translate_dataset(train_url, local_parquet_path, input_file_path, output_file_path, raw_file_path, range_specification, model_type, output_dir, output_repo_name, token, translator, tokenizer): try: # Download the Parquet file download_parquet(train_url, local_parquet_path) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to download the Parquet file from {train_url}: {e}") return try: # Convert the downloaded Parquet file to JSONL convert_parquet_to_jsonl(local_parquet_path, output_dir) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to convert Parquet to JSONL: {e}") return try: # Rename the JSONL file using subprocess to ensure correct handling subprocess.run(["mv", f"{output_dir}/train.jsonl", input_file_path], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.error(f"Failed to rename the file from 'train.jsonl' to {input_file_path}: {e}") return try: # Count lines in the JSONL file to validate contents line_count = count_lines_in_jsonl(input_file_path) logging.info(f"Number of lines in the file: {line_count}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to count lines in {input_file_path}: {e}") return try: # Parse the range specification for processing specific lines line_indices = parse_range_specification(range_specification, file_length=line_count) if not line_indices: logging.error("No valid line indices to process. Please check the range specifications.") return except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error parsing range specification '{range_specification}': {e}") return try: # Process the file with specified model type and line indices process_file(input_file_path, output_file_path, raw_file_path, line_indices, translator, tokenizer, model_type) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to process the file {input_file_path}: {e}") return try: # Upload the output file to Hugging Face repository upload_output_to_huggingface(output_file_path, output_repo_name, token) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to upload {output_file_path} to Hugging Face: {e}") # Setup logging configuration log_stream = io.StringIO() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=[ logging.FileHandler("translation.log", mode='a'), logging.StreamHandler(log_stream) ]) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Main function to handle the translation workflow # Main function to handle the translation workflow def main(dataset_url, model_type, output_dataset_name, range_specification, token: gr.OAuthToken | None, profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None): try: # Login to Hugging Face if token is None or profile is None or token.token is None or profile.username is None: return "### You must be logged in to use this service." if token: logger.info("Logged in to Hugging Face") # Configuration and paths tokenizer_name = "facebook/wmt21-dense-24-wide-en-x" model_repo_name = "cstr/wmt21ct2_int8" # Repository to download the model from # Download the model snapshot from Hugging Face model_path = snapshot_download(repo_id=model_repo_name, token=token.token) logger.info(f"Model downloaded to: {model_path}") # Load the CTranslate2 model translator = ctranslate2.Translator(model_path, device="auto") logger.info("CTranslate2 model loaded successfully.") # Load the tokenizer tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name) tokenizer.src_lang = "en" logger.info("Tokenizer loaded successfully.") # Define the task based on user input task = { "url": dataset_url, "local_path": "train.parquet", "input_file": f"{model_type}_en.jsonl", "output_file": f"{model_type}_de.jsonl", "raw_file": f"{model_type}_de_raw.jsonl", "range_spec": range_specification, "model_type": model_type } # Call the translate_dataset function with the provided parameters translate_dataset( train_url=task["url"], local_parquet_path=task["local_path"], input_file_path=task["input_file"], output_file_path=task["output_file"], output_dir=".", output_repo_name=output_dataset_name, raw_file_path=task["raw_file"], token=token.token, range_specification=task["range_spec"], model_type=task["model_type"], translator=translator, tokenizer=tokenizer, ) logger.info("Dataset translation completed!") return "Dataset translation completed!\n\n### Logs:\n" + log_stream.getvalue() else: return "Login failed. Please try again." except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An error occurred in the main function: {e}") # Ensure logs are flushed and captured return f"An error occurred: {e}\n\n### Logs:\n{log_stream.getvalue()}" # Gradio interface setup gradio_title = "🧐 WMT21 Dataset Translation" gradio_desc = """This tool translates datasets using the WMT21 translation model. ## 💭 What Does This Tool Do: - Translates datasets based on the selected model type. - Uploads the translated dataset to Hugging Face.""" datasets_desc = """## 📊 Dataset Types: - **mix**: - `prompt`: List of dictionaries with 'content' and 'role' fields (multi-turn conversation). - `chosen`: Single dictionary with 'content' and 'role' fields. - `rejected`: Single dictionary with 'content' and 'role' fields. - **orpo**: - `prompt`: String (user input). - `chosen`: List of dictionaries with 'content' and 'role' fields. - `rejected`: List of dictionaries with 'content' and 'role' fields. - **ufb**: - `prompt`: String (user input). - `chosen`: List of dictionaries with 'content' and 'role' fields. - `rejected`: List of dictionaries with 'content' and 'role' fields. ## 🛠️ Backend: The translation backend runs on the Hugging Face Hub API.""" # Define the theme theme = gr.themes.Soft(text_size="lg", spacing_size="lg") with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as demo: gr.HTML(f"""


""") gr.Markdown(gradio_desc) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): gr.Markdown(value="## 🚀 Login to Hugging Face"), gr.LoginButton(min_width=380) gr.Markdown(value="🚨 **This is needed to upload the resulting dataset.**") with gr.Row(equal_height=False): with gr.Column(): dataset_url = gr.Textbox(label="Input Dataset URL", lines=1) model_type = gr.Dropdown(choices=["mix", "orpo", "ufb"], label="Dataset Type") output_dataset_name = gr.Textbox(label="Output Dataset Name", lines=1) range_specification = gr.Textbox(label="Range Specification", lines=1, placeholder="e.g., 1-100") with gr.Column(): output = gr.Markdown(label="Output") submit_btn = gr.Button("Translate Dataset", variant="primary") submit_btn.click(main, inputs=[dataset_url, model_type, output_dataset_name, range_specification], outputs=output) gr.Markdown(datasets_desc) demo.launch(share=True)