## Deploy YOLO-World We provide several ways to deploy YOLO-World with ONNX or TensorRT ### Priliminaries ```bash pip install supervision onnx onnxruntime onnxsim ``` ### Export ONNX on Gradio Demo start the `demo.py` and you can modify the texts in the demo and output the ONNX model. ```bash python demo.py path/to/config path/to/weights ``` ### Export YOLO-World to ONNX models You can also use [`export_onnx.py`](../deploy/export_onnx.py) to obtain the ONNX model. You might specify the `--custom-text` with your own `Text JSON` for your custom prompts. The format of `Text JSON` can be found in [`docs/data`](../docs/data.md). ```bash PYTHONPATH=./ python deploy/export_onnx.py path/to/config path/to/weights --custom-text path/to/customtexts --opset 11 ``` ### Export YOLO-World to TensorRT models coming soon. ### FAQ **Q1**. `RuntimeError: Exporting the operator einsum to ONNX opset version 11 is not supported. Support for this operator was added in version 12, try exporting with this version.` **A:** This error arises because YOLO-World adopts `einsum` for matrix multiplication while it is not supported by `opset 11`. You can set the `--opset` from `11` to `12` if your device supports or change the `einsum` to normal `permute/reshape/multiplication` by set `use_einsum=False` in the `MaxSigmoidCSPLayerWithTwoConv` and `YOLOWorldHeadModule`. You can refer to the [sample config](../configs/pretrain/yolo_world_v2_m_vlpan_bn_noeinsum_2e-3_100e_4x8gpus_obj365v1_goldg_train_lvis_minival.py) without einsum.