## Fine-tuning YOLO-World Fine-tuning YOLO-World is easy and we provide the samples for COCO object detection as a simple guidance. ### Fine-tuning Requirements Fine-tuning YOLO-World is cheap: * it does not require 32 GPUs for multi-node distributed training. **8 GPUs or even 1 GPU** is enough. * it does not require the long schedule, *e.g.,* 300 epochs or 500 epochs for training YOLOv5 or YOLOv8. **80 epochs or fewer** is enough considering that we provide the good pre-trained weights. ### Data Preparation The fine-tuning dataset should have the similar format as the that of the pre-training dataset. We suggest you refer to [`docs/data`](./data.md) for more details about how to build the datasets: * if you fine-tune YOLO-World for close-set / custom vocabulary object detection, using `MultiModalDataset` with a `text json` is preferred. * if you fine-tune YOLO-World for open-vocabulary detection with rich texts or grounding tasks, using `MixedGroundingDataset` is preferred. ### Hyper-parameters and Config Please refer to the [config for fine-tuning YOLO-World-L on COCO](../configs/finetune_coco/yolo_world_l_dual_vlpan_2e-4_80e_8gpus_finetune_coco.py) for more details. 1. Basic config file: If the fine-tuning dataset **contains mask annotations**: ```python _base_ = ('../../third_party/mmyolo/configs/yolov8/yolov8_l_mask-refine_syncbn_fast_8xb16-500e_coco.py') ``` If the fine-tuning dataset **doesn't contain mask annotations**: ```python _base_ = ('../../third_party/mmyolo/configs/yolov8/yolov8_l_syncbn_fast_8xb16-500e_coco.py') ``` 2. Training Schemes: Reducing the epochs and adjusting the learning rate ```python max_epochs = 80 base_lr = 2e-4 weight_decay = 0.05 train_batch_size_per_gpu = 16 close_mosaic_epochs=10 train_cfg = dict( max_epochs=max_epochs, val_interval=5, dynamic_intervals=[((max_epochs - close_mosaic_epochs), _base_.val_interval_stage2)]) ``` 3. Datasets: ```python coco_train_dataset = dict( _delete_=True, type='MultiModalDataset', dataset=dict( type='YOLOv5CocoDataset', data_root='data/coco', ann_file='annotations/instances_train2017.json', data_prefix=dict(img='train2017/'), filter_cfg=dict(filter_empty_gt=False, min_size=32)), class_text_path='data/texts/coco_class_texts.json', pipeline=train_pipeline) ``` #### Finetuning without RepVL-PAN or Text Encoder 🚀 For further efficiency and simplicity, we can fine-tune an efficient version of YOLO-World without RepVL-PAN and the text encoder. The efficient version of YOLO-World has the similar architecture or layers with the orignial YOLOv8 but we provide the pre-trained weights on large-scale datasets. The pre-trained YOLO-World has strong generalization capabilities and is more robust compared to YOLOv8 trained on the COCO dataset. You can refer to the [config for Efficient YOLO-World](./../configs/finetune_coco/yolo_world_l_efficient_neck_2e-4_80e_8gpus_finetune_coco.py) for more details. The efficient YOLO-World adopts `EfficientCSPLayerWithTwoConv` and the text encoder can be removed during inference or exporting models. ```python model = dict( type='YOLOWorldDetector', mm_neck=True, neck=dict(type='YOLOWorldPAFPN', guide_channels=text_channels, embed_channels=neck_embed_channels, num_heads=neck_num_heads, block_cfg=dict(type='EfficientCSPLayerWithTwoConv'))) ``` ### Launch Fine-tuning! It's easy: ```bash ./dist_train.sh --amp ```