# Orders # Overview After successfully logging in you will see the *Orders* view. The Orders view is split into three separate pages for different order types: **Orders**, **Preorders** and **Completed** orders. You can change the page by pressing on one of the three tabs at the top of the screen. [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/517482889/34b854101b9bd54ca869deae/image.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/517482889/34b854101b9bd54ca869deae/image.png)# Active Orders The first page on the Orders view (and the one selected by default) is the *active* orders page. This shows a list of all in-progress orders with those that need to be most-urgently actioned at the top. The list is split into three sections: # New Orders [![006_VC_-_orders_new__1_.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105984/55cf18f7317611d0f49d3034/006_VC_-_orders_new__1_.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105984/55cf18f7317611d0f49d3034/006_VC_-_orders_new__1_.png)The first section of the page shows **New Orders**, which are those that have just been received but have not yet been accepted by the restaurant branch. All New Orders will be tagged as "Urgent" otherwise, for Pre-orders, "Delivery