# SMS # **Overview** As well as supporting segmenting messaging for push notifications, the Foodkit platform also enables you to send SMS marketing messages to specific customer segments. The user interface and process for sending SMS messages is very similar to that for sending push notifications. Note that sending SMS from the Foodkit platform may incur additional fees. Please reach out to your account manager to confirm pricing. [![038_Marketing_-_sms_overview_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105943/c4b0a069224e1b331768e552/038_Marketing_-_sms_overview_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105943/c4b0a069224e1b331768e552/038_Marketing_-_sms_overview_1.png)## SMS List Explanation Upon clicking on the **SMS** option under the marketing menu you will be presented with a list of any previously sent SMS message. Each row will include the following information: * **Status**: the state of the message. May include Sent, Scheduled, Cancelled or Failed. * **Message**: the body of the SMS message which was sent. * **Recipients**: the customer segmenting filters which were applied to the SMS message. * **Created by**: the email address or username of the Foodkit user who created the SMS message. * **Total sent**: the number of SMS messages which were sent to customers. * **Send at**: the scheduled date for sending of the SMS (for scheduled messages) or the date and time the SMS was sent (for previously sent messages). [![039_Marketing_-_sms_list_explanation_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105944/15348e9bf16c7e7955f45174/039_Marketing_-_sms_list_explanation_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105944/15348e9bf16c7e7955f45174/039_Marketing_-_sms_list_explanation_1.png)# **Create SMS** In order to create a new SMS messaging campaign, you can click on **Create SMS**. This will take you to a blank form where you can define the parameters for your SMS message. ## Message This is the body of the SMS message that will be sent to customers. Note that there is a limit of 120 characters per SMS. [![040_Marketing_-_sms_message_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105945/2e82c7fca825346e171c0553/040_Marketing_-_sms_message_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105945/2e82c7fca825346e171c0553/040_Marketing_-_sms_message_1.png)## Language You can send different messages to customers based on their preferred language by adjusting the **Language** setting. [![041_Marketing_-_sms_language_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105946/406ecb7f4ac2e06aa61fbb38/041_Marketing_-_sms_language_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105946/406ecb7f4ac2e06aa61fbb38/041_Marketing_-_sms_language_1.png)## Recipients If you wish to SMS specific customers directly, you can skip the segmentation parameters and simply copy and paste a comma separated list of phone numbers (in International format) into the **Phone number(s)** text box. [![042_Marketing_-_sms_recipients_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105948/f643a1d3b41a759636fe1c5d/042_Marketing_-_sms_recipients_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105948/f643a1d3b41a759636fe1c5d/042_Marketing_-_sms_recipients_1.png)## Loyalty Members SMS If the loyalty program module is enabled for your Foodkit account, you can create SMS messaging campaigns that are sent specifically to customers who have registered for your loyalty program. To do so, click the **Send push notification only for Loyalty Members** checkbox when creating a new SMS campaign. [![043_Marketing_-_sms_vip_members_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105949/e35fb9845899820ce5af6265/043_Marketing_-_sms_vip_members_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105949/e35fb9845899820ce5af6265/043_Marketing_-_sms_vip_members_1.png)## Filters The filter section allows you to specify behavioural targeting for your SMS message recipients. You can limit the SMS to be sent to customers who have purchased within a specific range of times, or who have not purchased since a specified time in the past. [![046_Marketing_-_sms_filters_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105953/ad8df1c26b01e90cbce10565/046_Marketing_-_sms_filters_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105953/ad8df1c26b01e90cbce10565/046_Marketing_-_sms_filters_1.png)## Number of Purchases To send the SMS only to customers who have completed a certain number of purchases, you can select the **Total number of purchases over all time** and then enter a lower and upper bound. If one of the bounds is omitted, customers will only be filtered by the other bound. For example:**From** (empty) **To** 5 would include all customers who have purchased 0 - 5 times. [![047_Marketing_-_sms_number_of_purchases_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105955/c81e56b7bb27e80c187553d7/047_Marketing_-_sms_number_of_purchases_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105955/c81e56b7bb27e80c187553d7/047_Marketing_-_sms_number_of_purchases_1.png)## Inactive Since x Date You can reactivate customers who have not purchased within a specific period of time by using the **No purchases since a specified date** filter. If this option is selected, only customers who have completed no purchases since the entered date and time will receive the SMS. [![048_Marketing_-_sms_no_purchase_since_x_date_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105958/9d63efe205f169c7e85dfc38/048_Marketing_-_sms_no_purchase_since_x_date_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105958/9d63efe205f169c7e85dfc38/048_Marketing_-_sms_no_purchase_since_x_date_1.png)## Schedule SMS When creating a new SMS campaign, by default it will be sent immediately. If you want to schedule it for later sending, you can change the **Scheduling** setting to **Scheduled**. You should then enter a date and time for the SMS to be sent (which will be in your default timezone, which is configured on the Settings page). [![049_Marketing_-_sms_scheduling_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105959/30c65f698451ac023ba0220a/049_Marketing_-_sms_scheduling_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105959/30c65f698451ac023ba0220a/049_Marketing_-_sms_scheduling_1.png)## SMS Quotation Before sending the SMS message or before scheduling it to be sent, you will be prompted to confirm the action. This message will include an (approximate) quotation for the additional cost of sending the SMS campaign, based on your SMS gateway settings. [![050_Marketing_-_sms_quotation_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105960/9999a71e83eac61a07afaa34/050_Marketing_-_sms_quotation_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105960/9999a71e83eac61a07afaa34/050_Marketing_-_sms_quotation_1.png)