# Graphical Representation Overview The Foodkit Core Platform includes a Sales Dashboard wherein users can see the overall performance of their business. [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518236197/904f307be99d8fbbc3d6ce52/Graphs+SS.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518236197/904f307be99d8fbbc3d6ce52/Graphs+SS.png)Under the *Home* page of the Foodkit Core Platform, users will be seeing four *Graphical Representation* which shows the distribution of each category: * Payment Type: Shows the mode of payments customers are utilizing to pay for their orders. (E.g. Cash on Delivery, Credit Card, Bank Deposit, etc.) * Sales Channel: Shows the order source. (Phone, or 3rd Party Delivery Partners) * Take Out Vs. Delivery: Shows the mode of delivery of customers. * Realtime Vs. Scheduled.