# Menu Items # **Overview** The first page you’ll see upon clicking **Menu** is the list of menu items. This page includes a table which shows all of the items which have been added to the menu for the restaurant. [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518797471/91fbf01298e5604e01c17863/Menu+SS.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518797471/91fbf01298e5604e01c17863/Menu+SS.png)# **Status Tab** [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518797765/e0fc7927fa3a6b85437a0f15/Status+Tab+SS.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518797765/e0fc7927fa3a6b85437a0f15/Status+Tab+SS.png)The list of menu items displayed in the table can be filtered by the status. By default, only **Active** products are shown in the list. This can be changed by selecting **Disabled** or **All** from the status tab. # **Search, Tags, and Categories** [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518798055/4d91ad6d4fbb484d673ffa95/SEARCH+TAB+SS.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518798055/4d91ad6d4fbb484d673ffa95/SEARCH+TAB+SS.png)The list can also be filtered by: * **Text search**: you can search for a specific menu item by entering all or part of the product title, or by entering the SKU (if SKUs have been set). * **Tag(s)**: select one or multiple tags to show menu items which have any of the tags applied to them * **Category**: select a single category to show only products within that category. # **Menu Items List Explanation** [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518798826/1a609eb5b65252e898cefe08/Menu+List+Explanation+SS.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518798826/1a609eb5b65252e898cefe08/Menu+List+Explanation+SS.png)The menu item table contains one menu item per row. Each column in the row communicates useful information about that particular menu item: * **Product & description**: the name of the menu item and a description (if set). * **Category**: the category within which the menu item has been placed (if any). * **SKU**: the Stock Keeping Unit (also known as Price Look Up code), which is a menu item specific identifier which may be used to link products between Foodkit and external systems (e.g Point of Sale or Enterprise Resource Planning systems). * **Modifiers**: the number of product modifiers which have been applied to the menu item. * **Price**: the current list-price for the item. * **Availability**: shows whether the menu item is currently in-stock at all branches. If not, it will communicate how many branches it is currently in-stock at (e.g “1 of 2 branches”). * **Status:** shows whether the menu item is active on the menu for each restaurant outlet. # **Create Menu Item** By clicking **Add Menu Item** the user is taken to a form where they can add a new item to the menu. [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518800237/46e4b1e7bbc6bf16c11f0a3e/Add+MEnu+1+SS.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518800237/46e4b1e7bbc6bf16c11f0a3e/Add+MEnu+1+SS.png)