# Ordering Hours ## Overview By clicking the second item in the action list (**Ordering Hours**) the user will be presented with a calendar view representing the available ordering hours for the specific restaurant location. The calendar view shows 7 vertical columns, each representing a day of the week. Each colored ordering hour slot represents a period of time for which the restaurant is available to accept online orders. There is a legend at the very left-hand side of the calendar view indicating the time of day for each slot, beginning and ending at midnight of each day. [![](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518784531/5067d9d2aed4a01bbd827c3e/Ordering+hours+ss.png)](https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/518784531/5067d9d2aed4a01bbd827c3e/Ordering+hours+ss.png)You can *add* a new ordering hour slot by simply clicking on the calendar within an empty slot on the day and on the start time for the desired time slot, and then dragging until the end of the desired time slot. After releasing the mouse button the new time slot will be added. You can also *adjust* existing time slots by clicking within the slot and dragging to move the time slot, or by clicking at the very end of the slot and dragging to resize it. Time slots can be *deleted* by clicking the cross icon at the very left of the slot. Finally time slots can be *saved* by clicking the **Save** button at the very bottom right of the opening hour slot editor. Don’t forget to click **Save** after making changes, as they will be lost if the window is closed. [![007_Branches_-_ordering_hours.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105671/217f1dca5ba911a0e23c4f6e/007_Branches_-_ordering_hours.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105671/217f1dca5ba911a0e23c4f6e/007_Branches_-_ordering_hours.png)# **Service Area (trade zones)** Clicking the **Service Area** button will open the trade zone editor for a specific outlet. This page shows a map of the geographical location of the restaurant and allows the user to view, edit, add and remove trade zones for the outlet. Trade zones are geographical boundaries within which the restaurant is capable of fulfilling deliveries. This means consumers who pinpoint their delivery location within a trade zone may\* be assigned to that outlet during order creation. \*: The word *may* is used here because trade zones can overlap. In the case of a customer pinpointing their location within the trade zone of 2 or more outlets, the customer will be assigned to the outlet which is closer (according to straight-line distance). [![008_Branches_-_service_area_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105672/108f9edc22637513349240a8/008_Branches_-_service_area_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105672/108f9edc22637513349240a8/008_Branches_-_service_area_1.png)# **See All Zones** At the top left of the **Delivery Service Area** window, there are options to see (1) the selected outlet's zones or (2) all outlets zones. The **All Zones** option is useful when assessing the total coverage area of your restaurant chain. This view allows you to identify potential gaps in your total coverage area, or areas where outlets may be overlapping unnecessarily. [![009_Branches_-_see_all_zones_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105673/5886170a143552a7da88b751/009_Branches_-_see_all_zones_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105673/5886170a143552a7da88b751/009_Branches_-_see_all_zones_1.png)# **Add New Zone** When viewing the zones for a specific restaurant outlet there is the option to **Add new zone**. Clicking this button will create a new zone and place you in “editing mode”. [![009_Branches_-_see_all_zones_1__1_.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105676/b87c5f552395e48f0c6d935a/009_Branches_-_see_all_zones_1__1_.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105676/b87c5f552395e48f0c6d935a/009_Branches_-_see_all_zones_1__1_.png)Whilst in editing mode you can click on the polygon icon (see screenshot) to start drawing a new trade zone area. [![010_Branches_-_add_new_zone_1_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105677/ec266b471b409b2c8d4301aa/010_Branches_-_add_new_zone_1_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105677/ec266b471b409b2c8d4301aa/010_Branches_-_add_new_zone_1_1.png)After clicking on the polygon icon you can click on the map to place the first point for the polygon which will define the trade zone. You should place this point at one of the outer bounds of the desired trade area. [![011_Branches_-_add_new_zone_2_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105678/8eff06eb88a74c9756daf3a2/011_Branches_-_add_new_zone_2_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105678/8eff06eb88a74c9756daf3a2/011_Branches_-_add_new_zone_2_1.png)Once you’ve placed the first point by making a single mouse click on the map, you can continue moving the mouse to place the second point. You’ll notice that a dotted line is shown on the map to indicate the boundary that will be defined by the two points. When you’re happy with the position of the second point and the resulting boundary you can single click once again to place the second point. [![012_Branches_-_add_new_zone_3_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105679/4d22484d6f6a566241c7df81/012_Branches_-_add_new_zone_3_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105679/4d22484d6f6a566241c7df81/012_Branches_-_add_new_zone_3_1.png)You can continue the process of moving the mouse and clicking to define boundary points as many times as needed to define the desired service area. When you want to finish drawing the service area you should click on the original (first) point to close out the polygon. [![013_Branches_-_add_new_zone_4_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105680/8568277854441121b91a0c27/013_Branches_-_add_new_zone_4_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105680/8568277854441121b91a0c27/013_Branches_-_add_new_zone_4_1.png)You can continue the process of moving the mouse and clicking to define boundary points as many times as needed to define the desired service area. When you want to finish drawing the service area you should click on the original (first) point to close out the polygon. [![014_Branches_-_add_new_zone_5_1.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105682/b33d3bd55444069ddee46710/014_Branches_-_add_new_zone_5_1.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105682/b33d3bd55444069ddee46710/014_Branches_-_add_new_zone_5_1.png)# **Set Fees** Each zone can have an (optional) delivery fee associated with it. This is the fee customers will be charged for delivery when ordering from within the service area. Note that if no delivery fee is set at the zone level, it will fall back to the default delivery cost for your restaurant. If there is no zone based delivery fee and no default delivery cost for the restaurant, delivery will be free. [![015_Branches_-_set_fee_1__1_.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105683/25e2dcb74d523524e8ef99a4/015_Branches_-_set_fee_1__1_.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105683/25e2dcb74d523524e8ef99a4/015_Branches_-_set_fee_1__1_.png)# **Edit Zone** Clicking on **Edit zone** will enable you to change the name, delivery fee and/or service area for the zone. # **Save** Once you’ve made all the desired updates to the service zones for the selected outlet, make sure you click **Save** to persist the changes. If you navigate away from this page without pressing **Save** all of your changes will be lost. [![016_Branches_-_save.png](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105684/8ce3c6468f4c51c724ddb6ef/016_Branches_-_save.png)](https://foodkit.intercom-attachments-1.com/i/o/198105684/8ce3c6468f4c51c724ddb6ef/016_Branches_-_save.png)