// New window: show and bring to top function newWindow(element) { $(element).show(); $(element).selectWindow(); if (element == '#doom') { loadDoom(); } } // Load DOOM, because we can function loadDoom() { $.getScript('https://js-dos.com/6.22/current/js-dos.js', function() { Dos(document.getElementById("doomcanvas"), { wdosboxUrl: "https://js-dos.com/6.22/current/wdosbox.js", cycles: 1000, autolock: false, }).ready(function (fs, main) { fs.extract("https://js-dos.com/cdn/upload/DOOM-@evilution.zip").then(function () { main(["-c", "cd DOOM", "-c", "DOOM.EXE"]).then(function (ci) { window.ci = ci; }); }); }); }); } $( function() { // Window drag $( ".window" ).draggable({ handle: "div.windowtitle" }); // Window resize $( ".window" ).resizable({ handles: "all", alsoresize: ".windowinner" }); // Window close $('.windowclose').on("dblclick", function () { $(this).parents('div.window').hide(); }); // Window click-to-bring-to-top (function() { var highest = 100; $.fn.selectWindow = function() { // Make top this.css('z-index', ++highest); // Make this window selected and others not this.addClass('selectedwindow'); $('.window').not(this).each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('selectedwindow'); }); }; })(); $('.window').mousedown(function() { $(this).selectWindow(); }); // Icon single click $('.icon').click(function() { $(this).find('p').toggleClass('highlight'); }); } );