import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' #--------------------------- import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import cv2 import retinaface_model import preprocess import postprocess #--------------------------- import tensorflow as tf tf_version = int(tf.__version__.split(".")[0]) if tf_version == 2: import logging tf.get_logger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) #--------------------------- def build_model(): global model #singleton design pattern if not "model" in globals(): model = tf.function( retinaface_model.build_model(), input_signature=(tf.TensorSpec(shape=[None, None, None, 3], dtype=np.float32),) ) return model def get_image(img_path): if type(img_path) == str: # Load from file path if not os.path.isfile(img_path): raise ValueError("Input image file path (", img_path, ") does not exist.") img = cv2.imread(img_path) elif isinstance(img_path, np.ndarray): # Use given NumPy array img = img_path.copy() else: raise ValueError("Invalid image input. Only file paths or a NumPy array accepted.") # Validate image shape if len(img.shape) != 3 or == 0: raise ValueError("Input image needs to have 3 channels at must not be empty.") return img def detect_faces(img_path, threshold=0.9, model = None, allow_upscaling = True): """ TODO: add function doc here """ img = get_image(img_path) #--------------------------- if model is None: model = build_model() #--------------------------- nms_threshold = 0.4; decay4=0.5 _feat_stride_fpn = [32, 16, 8] _anchors_fpn = { 'stride32': np.array([[-248., -248., 263., 263.], [-120., -120., 135., 135.]], dtype=np.float32), 'stride16': np.array([[-56., -56., 71., 71.], [-24., -24., 39., 39.]], dtype=np.float32), 'stride8': np.array([[-8., -8., 23., 23.], [ 0., 0., 15., 15.]], dtype=np.float32) } _num_anchors = {'stride32': 2, 'stride16': 2, 'stride8': 2} #--------------------------- proposals_list = [] scores_list = [] landmarks_list = [] im_tensor, im_info, im_scale = preprocess.preprocess_image(img, allow_upscaling) net_out = model(im_tensor) net_out = [elt.numpy() for elt in net_out] sym_idx = 0 for _idx, s in enumerate(_feat_stride_fpn): _key = 'stride%s'%s scores = net_out[sym_idx] scores = scores[:, :, :, _num_anchors['stride%s'%s]:] bbox_deltas = net_out[sym_idx + 1] height, width = bbox_deltas.shape[1], bbox_deltas.shape[2] A = _num_anchors['stride%s'%s] K = height * width anchors_fpn = _anchors_fpn['stride%s'%s] anchors = postprocess.anchors_plane(height, width, s, anchors_fpn) anchors = anchors.reshape((K * A, 4)) scores = scores.reshape((-1, 1)) bbox_stds = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] bbox_deltas = bbox_deltas bbox_pred_len = bbox_deltas.shape[3]//A bbox_deltas = bbox_deltas.reshape((-1, bbox_pred_len)) bbox_deltas[:, 0::4] = bbox_deltas[:,0::4] * bbox_stds[0] bbox_deltas[:, 1::4] = bbox_deltas[:,1::4] * bbox_stds[1] bbox_deltas[:, 2::4] = bbox_deltas[:,2::4] * bbox_stds[2] bbox_deltas[:, 3::4] = bbox_deltas[:,3::4] * bbox_stds[3] proposals = postprocess.bbox_pred(anchors, bbox_deltas) proposals = postprocess.clip_boxes(proposals, im_info[:2]) if s==4 and decay4<1.0: scores *= decay4 scores_ravel = scores.ravel() order = np.where(scores_ravel>=threshold)[0] proposals = proposals[order, :] scores = scores[order] proposals[:, 0:4] /= im_scale proposals_list.append(proposals) scores_list.append(scores) landmark_deltas = net_out[sym_idx + 2] landmark_pred_len = landmark_deltas.shape[3]//A landmark_deltas = landmark_deltas.reshape((-1, 5, landmark_pred_len//5)) landmarks = postprocess.landmark_pred(anchors, landmark_deltas) landmarks = landmarks[order, :] landmarks[:, :, 0:2] /= im_scale landmarks_list.append(landmarks) sym_idx += 3 proposals = np.vstack(proposals_list) if proposals.shape[0]==0: landmarks = np.zeros( (0,5,2) ) return np.zeros( (0,5) ), landmarks scores = np.vstack(scores_list) scores_ravel = scores.ravel() order = scores_ravel.argsort()[::-1] proposals = proposals[order, :] scores = scores[order] landmarks = np.vstack(landmarks_list) landmarks = landmarks[order].astype(np.float32, copy=False) pre_det = np.hstack((proposals[:,0:4], scores)).astype(np.float32, copy=False) #nms = cpu_nms_wrapper(nms_threshold) #keep = nms(pre_det) keep = postprocess.cpu_nms(pre_det, nms_threshold) det = np.hstack( (pre_det, proposals[:,4:]) ) det = det[keep, :] landmarks = landmarks[keep] resp = {} for idx, face in enumerate(det): label = 'face_'+str(idx+1) resp[label] = {} resp[label]["score"] = face[4] resp[label]["facial_area"] = list(face[0:4].astype(int)) resp[label]["landmarks"] = {} resp[label]["landmarks"]["right_eye"] = list(landmarks[idx][0]) resp[label]["landmarks"]["left_eye"] = list(landmarks[idx][1]) resp[label]["landmarks"]["nose"] = list(landmarks[idx][2]) resp[label]["landmarks"]["mouth_right"] = list(landmarks[idx][3]) resp[label]["landmarks"]["mouth_left"] = list(landmarks[idx][4]) return resp def extract_faces(img_path, threshold=0.9, model = None, align = True, allow_upscaling = True): resp = [] #--------------------------- img = get_image(img_path) #--------------------------- obj = detect_faces(img_path = img, threshold = threshold, model = model, allow_upscaling = allow_upscaling) if type(obj) == dict: for key in obj: identity = obj[key] facial_area = identity["facial_area"] facial_img = img[facial_area[1]: facial_area[3], facial_area[0]: facial_area[2]] if align == True: landmarks = identity["landmarks"] left_eye = landmarks["left_eye"] right_eye = landmarks["right_eye"] nose = landmarks["nose"] mouth_right = landmarks["mouth_right"] mouth_left = landmarks["mouth_left"] facial_img = postprocess.alignment_procedure(facial_img, right_eye, left_eye, nose) resp.append(facial_img[:, :, ::-1]) #elif type(obj) == tuple: return resp