{ "openapi": "3.0.2", "info": { "title": "ElevenLabs API Documentation", "description": "This is the documentation for the ElevenLabs API. You can use this API to use our service programmatically, this is done by using your xi-api-key.
You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on https://beta.elevenlabs.io. Our API is experimental so all endpoints are subject to change.", "version": "1.0" }, "paths": { "/v1/history": { "get": { "tags": [ "history" ], "summary": "Get Generated Items", "description": "Returns metadata about all your generated audio.", "operationId": "Get_generated_items_v1_history_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GetHistoryResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/history/{history_item_id}/audio": { "get": { "tags": [ "history" ], "summary": "Get Audio From History Item", "description": "Returns the audio of an history item.", "operationId": "Get_audio_from_history_item_v1_history__history_item_id__audio_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "History item ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/history to receive a list of history items and their IDs.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "History Item Id", "type": "string", "description": "History item ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/history to receive a list of history items and their IDs." }, "example": "VW7YKqPnjY4h39yTbx2L", "name": "history_item_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "audio/mpeg": {} } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/history/delete": { "post": { "tags": [ "history" ], "summary": "Delete History Items", "description": "Delete a number of history items by their IDs.", "operationId": "Delete_history_items_v1_history_delete_post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Body_Delete_history_items_v1_history_delete_post" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": {} } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } }, "deprecated": true } }, "/v1/history/{history_item_id}": { "delete": { "tags": [ "history" ], "summary": "Delete History Item", "description": "Delete a history item by its ID", "operationId": "Delete_history_item_v1_history__history_item_id__delete", "parameters": [ { "description": "History item ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/history to receive a list of history items and their IDs.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "History Item Id", "type": "string", "description": "History item ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/history to receive a list of history items and their IDs." }, "example": "VW7YKqPnjY4h39yTbx2L", "name": "history_item_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": {} } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/history/download": { "post": { "tags": [ "history" ], "summary": "Download History Items", "description": "Download one or more history items. If one history item ID is provided, we will return a single audio file. If more than one history item IDs are provided, we will provide the history items packed into a .zip file.", "operationId": "Download_history_items_v1_history_download_post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Body_Download_history_items_v1_history_download_post" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response" }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/{voice_id}/samples/{sample_id}": { "delete": { "tags": [ "samples" ], "summary": "Delete Sample", "description": "Removes a sample by its ID.", "operationId": "Delete_sample_v1_voices__voice_id__samples__sample_id__delete", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Sample ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices/{voice_id} to list all the available samples for a voice.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Sample Id", "type": "string", "description": "Sample ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices/{voice_id} to list all the available samples for a voice." }, "example": "VW7YKqPnjY4h39yTbx2L", "name": "sample_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": {} } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/{voice_id}/samples/{sample_id}/audio": { "get": { "tags": [ "samples" ], "summary": "Get Audio From Sample", "description": "Returns the audio corresponding to a sample attached to a voice.", "operationId": "Get_audio_from_sample_v1_voices__voice_id__samples__sample_id__audio_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Sample ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices/{voice_id} to list all the available samples for a voice.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Sample Id", "type": "string", "description": "Sample ID to be used, you can use GET https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices/{voice_id} to list all the available samples for a voice." }, "example": "VW7YKqPnjY4h39yTbx2L", "name": "sample_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "audio/*": {} } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/text-to-speech/{voice_id}": { "post": { "tags": [ "text-to-speech" ], "summary": "Text To Speech", "description": "Converts text into speech using a voice of your choice and returns audio.", "operationId": "Text_to_speech_v1_text_to_speech__voice_id__post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Body_Text_to_speech_v1_text_to_speech__voice_id__post" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "audio/mpeg": {} } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/text-to-speech/{voice_id}/stream": { "post": { "tags": [ "text-to-speech" ], "summary": "Text To Speech", "description": "Converts text into speech using a voice of your choice and returns audio as an audio stream.", "operationId": "Text_to_speech_v1_text_to_speech__voice_id__stream_post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Body_Text_to_speech_v1_text_to_speech__voice_id__stream_post" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response" }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/user/subscription": { "get": { "tags": [ "user" ], "summary": "Get User Subscription Info", "description": "Gets extended information about the users subscription", "operationId": "Get_user_subscription_info_v1_user_subscription_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ExtendedSubscriptionResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/user": { "get": { "tags": [ "user" ], "summary": "Get User Info", "description": "Gets information about the user", "operationId": "Get_user_info_v1_user_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices": { "get": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Get Voices", "description": "Gets a list of all available voices for a user.", "operationId": "Get_voices_v1_voices_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GetVoicesResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/settings/default": { "get": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Get Default Voice Settings", "description": "Gets the default settings for voices.", "operationId": "Get_default_voice_settings_v1_voices_settings_default_get", "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VoiceSettingsResponseModel" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/{voice_id}/settings": { "get": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Get Voice Settings", "description": "Returns the settings for a specific voice.", "operationId": "Get_voice_settings_v1_voices__voice_id__settings_get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VoiceSettingsResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/{voice_id}": { "get": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Get Voice", "description": "Returns metadata about a specific voice.", "operationId": "Get_voice_v1_voices__voice_id__get", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "If set will return settings information corresponding to the voice, requires authorization.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "With Settings", "type": "boolean", "description": "If set will return settings information corresponding to the voice, requires authorization.", "default": false }, "name": "with_settings", "in": "query" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VoiceResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } }, "delete": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Delete Voice", "description": "Deletes a voice by its ID.", "operationId": "Delete_voice_v1_voices__voice_id__delete", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": {} } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/{voice_id}/settings/edit": { "post": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Edit Voice Settings", "description": "Edit your settings for a specific voice.", "operationId": "Edit_voice_settings_v1_voices__voice_id__settings_edit_post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "title": "Settings", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VoiceSettingsResponseModel" } ], "description": "The settings for a specific voice." } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": {} } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/add": { "post": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Add Voice", "description": "Add a new voice to your collection of voices in VoiceLab.", "operationId": "Add_voice_v1_voices_add_post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "multipart/form-data": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Body_Add_voice_v1_voices_add_post" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AddVoiceResponseModel" } } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } }, "/v1/voices/{voice_id}/edit": { "post": { "tags": [ "voices" ], "summary": "Edit Voice", "description": "Edit a voice created by you.", "operationId": "Edit_voice_v1_voices__voice_id__edit_post", "parameters": [ { "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices.", "required": true, "schema": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string", "description": "Voice ID to be used, you can use https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices to list all the available voices." }, "example": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "name": "voice_id", "in": "path" }, { "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.", "required": false, "schema": { "title": "Xi-Api-Key", "type": "string", "description": "Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website." }, "name": "xi-api-key", "in": "header" } ], "requestBody": { "content": { "multipart/form-data": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Body_Edit_voice_v1_voices__voice_id__edit_post" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": {} } } }, "422": { "description": "Validation Error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError" } } } } } } } }, "components": { "schemas": { "AddVoiceResponseModel": { "title": "AddVoiceResponseModel", "required": [ "voice_id" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "voice_id": { "title": "Voice Id", "type": "string" } } }, "Body_Add_voice_v1_voices_add_post": { "title": "Body_Add_voice_v1_voices_add_post", "required": [ "name", "files" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "type": "string", "description": "The name that identifies this voice. 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They are applied only on the given TTS request." } } }, "Body_Text_to_speech_v1_text_to_speech__voice_id__stream_post": { "title": "Body_Text_to_speech_v1_text_to_speech__voice_id__stream_post", "required": [ "text" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "text": { "title": "Text", "type": "string", "description": "The text that will get converted into speech. Currently only English text is supported." }, "voice_settings": { "title": "Voice Settings", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VoiceSettingsResponseModel" } ], "description": "Voice settings overriding stored setttings for the given voice. They are applied only on the given TTS request." } } }, "ExtendedSubscriptionResponseModel": { "title": "ExtendedSubscriptionResponseModel", "required": [ "tier", "character_count", "character_limit", "can_extend_character_limit", "allowed_to_extend_character_limit", "next_character_count_reset_unix", "voice_limit", "professional_voice_limit", "can_extend_voice_limit", "can_use_instant_voice_cloning", "can_use_professional_voice_cloning", "concurrency", "priority", "available_models", "can_use_delayed_payment_methods", "currency", "status", "next_invoice" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "tier": { "title": "Tier", "type": "string" }, "character_count": { "title": "Character Count", "type": "integer" }, "character_limit": { "title": "Character Limit", "type": "integer" }, "can_extend_character_limit": { "title": "Can Extend Character Limit", "type": "boolean" }, "allowed_to_extend_character_limit": { "title": "Allowed To Extend Character Limit", "type": "boolean" }, 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A sample is any audio file you attached to a voice. A voice can have one or more samples." }, { "name": "history", "description": "Accesses your history. Your history is a list of all your created audio including its metadata." } ] }