pushHandler(new StreamHandler('logs/scene.log', Logger::DEBUG)); $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG)); // Initialize AppConfig $appConfig = new AppConfig($log); // Retrieve API keys from AppConfig $openaiApiKey = $appConfig->getApiKey('OpenAI'); $elevenLabsApiKey = $appConfig->getApiKey('ElevenLabsApi'); // Initialize OpenAI and ElevenLabsApi objects with the API keys and logger $openai = new OpenAI($openaiApiKey, null, $log); $elevenLabsApi = new ElevenLabsApi($elevenLabsApiKey, null, $log); $log_data = []; $prompt = 'Something short and gentle about india'; // Generate script if it does not exist $script_file = __DIR__ . '/scripts/' . md5($prompt) . '.txt'; if (!file_exists($script_file)) { $log->info('Generating script...'); $role = 'you are a scriptwriter from William S Burroughs era. respond as he would.'; $script = $openai->generateScript($role, $prompt); file_put_contents($script_file, $script); } else { $log_data['txtprompt_search'] = true; $script = file_get_contents($script_file); } $log->info('Script: ' . $script); // Generate image prompt if it does not exist $image_prompt_file = __DIR__ . '/image_prompts/' . md5($prompt) . '.txt'; if (!file_exists($image_prompt_file)) { $log->info('Generating image prompt...'); $role = 'you are a brilliant AI prompt writer. create an image prompt based on this script.'; $image_prompt = $openai->generateScript($role, $script); file_put_contents($image_prompt_file, $image_prompt); } else { $image_prompt = file_get_contents($image_prompt_file); $log_data['imgprompt_search'] = true; } $log->info('Image Prompt: ' . $image_prompt); $audio_file = __DIR__ . '/voices/' . md5($prompt) . '.mp3'; if (!file_exists($audio_file)) { $log->info('Generating audio...'); $audio_data = [ 'text' => $script, 'voiceId' => '21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM' ]; $audio_response = $elevenLabsApi->textToSpeechWithVoiceId($audio_data['voiceId'], $audio_data); file_put_contents($audio_file, $audio_response->getBody()); } else { $log_data['audio_cache'] = true; } // Calculate the duration of the audio file $log->info('Calculating audio duration...'); $getID3 = new getID3; $file_info = $getID3->analyze($audio_file); $audio_duration = $file_info['playtime_seconds']; $seconds_per_image = 6; $frames_per_second = 25; $frames_per_image = $seconds_per_image * $frames_per_second; $number_of_images = intval($audio_duration / $seconds_per_image); $log->info('Creating ' . $number_of_images . ' images for a ' . $audio_duration . ' second audio clip!'); // Generate images if they do not exist $images_dir = __DIR__ . '/images/' . md5($prompt); if (!file_exists($images_dir)) { $log->info('Generating images...'); mkdir($images_dir); $images = $openai->generateImage($image_prompt, __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images/' . md5($prompt), '1024x1024', $number_of_images); $log_data['images'] = $images; } else { $images = []; $imagesPath = $images_dir; $log->info('Checking imagesPath ' . $imagesPath); foreach (glob($imagesPath . '/*.png') as $image) { $images[] = $image; } $log_data['image_search'] = true; } // Create MeltProject $log->info('Begin the melty.'); $project = new MeltProject($log, 1920, 1080, $frames_per_second); // Add images to project $log->info('Adding images to project...'); foreach ($images as $image) { $log->info('Adding image ' . $image); $project->addImage($image, 0, $frames_per_image); } // Add audio to project $log->info('Adding audio to project...'); $project->setVoiceover($audio_file); $xml = $project->generateXml(); // Save project $log->info('Saving project to scene.xml...'); $xml->save('scene.xml'); $log->info('Creating video using Melt...'); $melt = new Melt('scene.xml'); $melt->setFps($frames_per_second); $melt->setResolution(1920, 1080); $melt->setOutputFormat('mp4'); $melt->setOutputFile(_DIR_ . '/videos/' . md5($prompt) . '.mp4'); $melt->execute(); $log->info('Video created successfully!'); $log->info('End the melt.'); // Log data $log->info('Data:', $log_data);