import gradio as gr from transformers import Wav2Vec2Processor from transformers import AutoModelForCTC from conversationalnlp.models.wav2vec2 import Wav2Vec2Predict from conversationalnlp.models.wav2vec2 import ModelLoader from conversationalnlp.utils import * import soundfile as sf import os """ run gradio with >>python """ audioheaderpath = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "temp") pretrained_model = "codenamewei/speech-to-text" processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained( pretrained_model) model = AutoModelForCTC.from_pretrained( pretrained_model) modelloader = ModelLoader(model, processor) predictor = Wav2Vec2Predict(modelloader) audiofileexamples = ["example1.flac", "example2.flac"] fileextension = ".wav" def greet(*args): """ List[tuple, tuple] mic: param[0] (int, np.array) audiofile: param[1] (int, np.array) """ dictinput = dict(mic=args[0], file=args[1]) audiofiles = [] for key, audioarray in dictinput.items(): if audioarray is not None: # WORKAROUND: Save to file and reread to get the array shape needed for prediction audioabspath = audioheaderpath + "_" + key + fileextension print(f"Audio at path {audioabspath}") sf.write(audioabspath, audioarray[1], audioarray[0]) audiofiles.append(audioabspath) predictiontexts = predictor.predictfiles(audiofiles) mictext = predictiontexts["predicted_text"][0] + "\n" + \ predictiontexts["corrected_text"][0] if dictinput['mic'] is not None else "" filetext = predictiontexts["predicted_text"][-1] + "\n" + \ predictiontexts["corrected_text"][-1] if dictinput['file'] is not None else "" return [mictext, filetext] demo = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs=["mic", "audio"], outputs=["text", "text"], title="Speech-to-Text", examples=[audiofileexamples]) demo.launch() # share=True)