from functools import lru_cache import time, aiohttp, asyncio, json, os, multiprocessing, torch, \ requests, xmltodict, fitz, io from minivectordb.embedding_model import EmbeddingModel from minivectordb.vector_database import VectorDatabase from text_util_en_pt.cleaner import structurize_text, detect_language, Language import gradio as gr torch.set_num_threads(2) openrouter_key = os.environ.get("OPENROUTER_KEY") model = EmbeddingModel(use_quantized_onnx_model=True) def convert_xml_to_json(xml): return xmltodict.parse(xml) def clean_title(title): title = title.replace('\n', ' ') while ' ' in title: title = title.replace(' ', ' ') return title @lru_cache(maxsize=500) def fetch_arxiv_links(query, max_results=5): url = f'{query}&start=0&max_results={max_results}' response = requests.get(url) json_response = convert_xml_to_json(response.text) # Return a list of titles and links, and pdf links entries = [] for entry in json_response['feed']['entry']: title = entry['title'] id = entry['id'].split('/abs/')[-1] link = f'{id}' pdf_link = f'{id}.pdf' entries.append({ 'title': clean_title(title), 'link': link, 'pdf_link': pdf_link }) return entries def download_pdf_from_link(link): # Download the file and hold it in memory response = requests.get(link) return io.BytesIO(response.content) @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def read_remote_pdf(pdf_metadata): pdf_metadata = json.loads(pdf_metadata) link = pdf_metadata['pdf_link'] title = pdf_metadata['title'] pdf_content = download_pdf_from_link(link) pdf_file ="pdf", text_content = [page.get_text() for page in pdf_file] pdf_file.close() del pdf_file return {'title': title, 'text': '\n'.join(text_content)} def fetch_data_from_pdfs(links): links = [ json.dumps(link) for link in links ] with multiprocessing.Pool(10) as pool: pdf_metadata =, links) return pdf_metadata def index_and_search(query, pdf_metadata): start = time.time() query_embedding = model.extract_embeddings(query) # Indexing vector_db = VectorDatabase() sentence_counter = 1 for pdf_data in pdf_metadata: text = pdf_data['text'] title = pdf_data['title'] sentences = [ s['sentence'] for s in structurize_text(text)] for sentence in sentences: sentence_embedding = model.extract_embeddings(sentence) vector_db.store_embedding( sentence_counter, sentence_embedding, { 'sentence': sentence, 'title': title } ) sentence_counter += 1 embedding_time = time.time() - start # Retrieval start = time.time() search_results = vector_db.find_most_similar(query_embedding, k = 15) search_metadata = search_results[2] retrieval_time = time.time() - start retrieved_contents = {} for ret_cont in search_metadata: title = ret_cont['title'] if title not in retrieved_contents: retrieved_contents[title] = [] retrieved_contents[title].append(ret_cont['sentence']) retrieved_contents = {k: '\n'.join(v) for k, v in retrieved_contents.items() if len(v) > 2} return retrieved_contents, embedding_time, retrieval_time def retrieval_pipeline(query, question): start = time.time() links = fetch_arxiv_links(query) websearch_time = time.time() - start start = time.time() pdf_metadata = fetch_data_from_pdfs(links) webcrawl_time = time.time() - start retrieved_contents, embedding_time, retrieval_time = index_and_search(question, pdf_metadata) return retrieved_contents, websearch_time, webcrawl_time, embedding_time, retrieval_time, links async def predict(message, history): # message is in format: "Search: ; Question: " # we need to parse both parts into variables message = message.split(';') query = message[0].split(':')[-1].strip() question = message[1].split(':')[-1].strip() retrieved_contents, websearch_time, webcrawl_time, embedding_time, retrieval_time, links = retrieval_pipeline(query, question) if detect_language(message) == Language.ptbr: context = "" for title, content in retrieved_contents.items(): context += f'Artigo "{title}"\nConteúdo:\n{content}\n\n' prompt = f'{context.strip()}\n\nBaseado nos conteúdos dos artigos, responda: "{message}"\n\nPor favor, mencione a fonte da sua resposta.' else: context = "" for title, content in retrieved_contents.items(): context += f'Article "{title}"\nContent:\n{content}\n\n' prompt = f'{context.strip()}\n\nBased on the article\'s contents, answer: "{message}"\n\nPlease, mention the source of your answer.' print(prompt) url = "" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {openrouter_key}" } body = { "stream": True, "models": [ "mistralai/mistral-7b-instruct:free", "openchat/openchat-7b:free" ], "route": "fallback", "max_tokens": 1024, "messages": [ {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] } full_response = "" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers=headers, json=body) as response: buffer = "" # A buffer to hold incomplete lines of data async for chunk in response.content.iter_any(): buffer += chunk.decode() while "\n" in buffer: # Process as long as there are complete lines in the buffer line, buffer = buffer.split("\n", 1) if line.startswith("data: "): event_data = line[len("data: "):] if event_data != '[DONE]': try: current_text = json.loads(event_data)['choices'][0]['delta']['content'] full_response += current_text yield full_response await asyncio.sleep(0.01) except Exception: try: current_text = json.loads(event_data)['choices'][0]['text'] full_response += current_text yield full_response await asyncio.sleep(0.01) except Exception: pass final_metadata_block = "" final_metadata_block += f"Links visited:\n" for link in links: final_metadata_block += f"{link['title']} ({link['link']})\n" final_metadata_block += f"\nWeb search time: {websearch_time:.4f} seconds\n" final_metadata_block += f"\nText extraction: {webcrawl_time:.4f} seconds\n" final_metadata_block += f"\nEmbedding time: {embedding_time:.4f} seconds\n" final_metadata_block += f"\nRetrieval from VectorDB time: {retrieval_time:.4f} seconds" yield f"{full_response}\n\n{final_metadata_block}" gr.ChatInterface( predict, title="Automated Arxiv Paper Search and Question Answering", description="Provide a search term and a question to find relevant papers and answer questions about them.", retry_btn=None, undo_btn=None, examples=[ 'Search: RAG LLMS; Question: What are some challenges of implementing a system of RAG with LLMS ?', 'Search: LLM Self-Play; Question: What are the benefits of using self-play with LLMS?', 'Search: Brazil Tax Rate; Question: Why does Brazil has a high tax rate?', 'Search: Stomach medicine; Question: Can stomach medicine cause genetic mutations?' ] ).launch()