import streamlit as st from collections import Counter import textrazor from dotenv import load_dotenv import os import pandas as pd import replicate import as px load_dotenv() REPLICATE_API_TOKEN = os.getenv("REPLICATE_API_TOKEN") text_ = """Alice: Hi there, is this Bob? # Bob: Yes, speaking. Who's calling? # Alice: Hey Bob, it's Alice from Acme Inc. We met at the conference last month. # Bob: Oh, hey Alice! Good to hear from you. How can I help you today? # Alice: Well, I was just calling because I wanted to touch base with you about that project we discussed at the conference. I was hoping we could set up a meeting to talk about it in more detail. # Bob: Absolutely, I'd be happy to. When were you thinking? # Alice: How about next Tuesday at 10 am? # Bob: That works for me. Where should we meet? # Alice: We can meet at our office in downtown. Here's the address: 123 Main St. Suite 400. # Bob: Great. And just to confirm, your mobile number is still (555) 123-4567, right? # Alice: Yes, that's correct. # Bob: Perfect. I'll put the meeting in my calendar and send you a confirmation email with all the details. # Alice: Sounds good, thanks Bob. Looking forward to it!""" replicate.Client(api_token=REPLICATE_API_TOKEN) def make_summary(text_): output = "replicate/flan-t5-xl:7a216605843d87f5426a10d2cc6940485a232336ed04d655ef86b91e020e9210", input={"prompt": """Write the summary extract any useful information like name, number, and organization of the following conversation {text_to_summarize} """.format(text_to_summarize = text_)}, max_length = 500, temperature = 0.7, top_p = 0.95, repetition_penalty = 1, ) return " ".join(output) load_dotenv() textrazor.api_key = os.getenv("TEXT_RAZOR_API_KEY") client = textrazor.TextRazor(extractors=["entities", "topics"]) def make_output(text:str): response = client.analyze(text=text) df = pd.DataFrame() for entity in response.entities(): output_dict = {"id": "".join(list( or "None")), "type": ", ".join(list(entity.dbpedia_types or "None")), "wiki link": "".join(list(entity.wikipedia_link or "None"))} df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records([output_dict]) # df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([new_row])], ignore_index=True) df = pd.concat([df, df2], ignore_index=True) # print( df1 = df.drop_duplicates() return(df) st.title("CultureScout NLP Tool 🤖") # taking user inputs for context search st.write("***Enter Text You Need Help With:***") user_input = st.text_input("Text Here:", "") if st.button("🔎 Search It!"): def predict_sentiment(data:str): ans = make_output(user_input) return ans df = predict_sentiment(user_input) df = df.drop_duplicates() st.table(df) id_df = predict_sentiment(user_input)['id'] id_freq = id_df.value_counts() most_common_id = id_df.value_counts().index[0] type_df = predict_sentiment(user_input)['type'] type_freq = type_df.value_counts() most_common_type = type_df.value_counts().index[0] st.bar_chart(id_freq) st.bar_chart(type_freq) st.write(f"Most appeared id is {most_common_id}.") st.write(f"Most appeared type is {most_common_type}.") st.write(""" """) # taking user inputs for summarization st.write("***Enter Text You Need to Summarize:***") user_input1 = st.text_area("Text Here:", "") if st.button("🪄 Summarize"): def summarize(data:str): ans1 = make_summary(user_input1) return ans1 st.write(summarize(user_input1))