import streamlit as st import eda import prediction from PIL import Image #img1 ='balls.jpg') page = st.sidebar.selectbox('Choose Page: ', ('Landing Page','Data Exploration','Data Prediction')) if page == 'Landing Page': st.title('FIFA 2022 Player Rating Prediction') st.write('') st.write('Name : Yosef') st.write('Batch : HCK-007') st.write('Objective : Ovuvwevewe Onyetevwevwe Ugwemugwem Ossass') st.write('') st.write('Please select menu on the left bar') st.write('') # st.image(img1, caption="Balls") with st.expander('Background Dataset'): st.caption('Dataset background explaination') with st.expander('Problem Statement'): st.caption('Saya mau uang') with st.expander('SPONSOR'): st.caption('FIFA') # st.image(img1) elif page == 'Data Exploration': else: