import gradio as gr import numpy as np import as io import skimage.metrics as metrics import skimage.measure as measure import skimage.transform as transform from brisque import BRISQUE import sewar # Create an instance of BRISQUE brisque_calculator = BRISQUE() # Define the function to calculate image quality metrics def calculate_image_quality(reference_image, distorted_image): # Resize images to have the same dimensions # reference_image = reference_image.astype(np.float32) # distorted_image = distorted_image.astype(np.float32) # distorted_image = transform.resize(distorted_image, reference_image.shape, anti_aliasing=True) # data_range = np.max([np.max(reference_image), np.max(distorted_image)]) # Calculate Mean Squared Error (MSE) mse_score = sewar.mse(reference_image, distorted_image) # Calculate Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) rmse_score = sewar.rmse(reference_image, distorted_image) # Calculate Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) ssim_score_sewar = sewar.ssim(reference_image, distorted_image) # Calculate PSNR psnr_score = metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio(reference_image, distorted_image) # Calculate BRISQUE score brisque_score_reference = brisque_calculator.score(reference_image) brisque_score_distorted = brisque_calculator.score(distorted_image) return { 'MSE': mse_score, 'RMSE': rmse_score, 'SSIM_SEWAR': ssim_score_sewar, 'PSNR': psnr_score, 'BRISQUE': { 'reference': brisque_score_reference, 'distorted': brisque_score_distorted, } } def calculateNoReference(reference_image): # Calculate BRISQUE score brisque_score_reference = brisque_calculator.score(reference_image) return { 'BRISQUE': brisque_score_reference } layout1 = gr.Interface( fn=calculateNoReference, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Image(label="Reference Image"), ], outputs='json', title= "No Reference" ) # Create the layout for the second tab layout2 = gr.Interface( fn=calculate_image_quality, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Image(label="Reference Image"), gr.inputs.Image(label="Distorted Image") ], outputs='json', title="With Reference" ) # Set up the tabs layout = gr.TabbedInterface([layout1, layout2], ['no-reference', 'with-reference']) # Launch the interface layout.launch()