getVersion(); $minimalVersion = $releaseMetadata->getMinSupportedMauticVersion(); // Use branch if applicable otherwise a version tag $gitSource = (!empty($args['b'])) ? $args['b'] : $appVersion; if (!isset($args['repackage'])) { // Preparation - Remove previous packages echo "Preparing environment\n"; umask(022); chdir(__DIR__); system('rm -rf packaging'); // Preparation - Provision packaging space mkdir(__DIR__.'/packaging'); // Grab the system git path so we can process git commands ob_start(); passthru('which git', $systemGit); $systemGit = trim(ob_get_clean()); // set the diff limit to ensure we get all files system($systemGit.' config diff.renamelimit 8192'); // Checkout the version tag into the packaging space chdir(dirname(__DIR__)); system($systemGit.' archive '.$gitSource.' | tar -x -C '.__DIR__.'/packaging', $result); // Get a list of all files in this release ob_start(); passthru($systemGit.' ls-tree -r -t --name-only '.$gitSource, $releaseFiles); $releaseFiles = explode("\n", trim(ob_get_clean())); if (0 !== $result) { exit; } chdir(__DIR__); system('cd '.__DIR__.'/packaging && composer install --no-dev --no-scripts --optimize-autoloader && cd ..', $result); if (0 !== $result) { exit; } // Compile prod assets system('cd '.__DIR__.'/packaging && npm ci && npx patch-package && php bin/console mautic:assets:generate -e prod', $result); if (0 !== $result) { exit; } // Common steps include_once __DIR__.'/processfiles.php'; // In this step, we'll compile a list of files that may have been deleted so our update script can remove them // First, get a list of git tags since the minimal version. ob_start(); passthru($systemGit.' for-each-ref --sort=creatordate --format \'%(refname)\' refs/tags | cut -d\/ -f3 | sed \'/-/!{s/$/_/}\' | sort -V | sed \'s/_$//\' | sed -n \'/^'.$minimalVersion.'$/,${p;/^'.$gitSource.'$/q}\' | sed \'$d\'', $tags); $tags = explode("\n", trim(ob_get_clean())); // Only add deleted files to our list; new and modified files will be covered by the archive $deletedFiles = []; $modifiedFiles = [ 'deleted_files.txt' => true, 'critical_migrations.txt' => true, 'upgrade.php' => true, // Temp fix for GrapesJs builder 'plugins/GrapesJsBuilderBundle/' => true, ]; // Ensure the generated media files don't end up in the deleted files by explicitly adding them to the release files. foreach (['css', 'js', 'libraries/ckeditor', 'libraries/ckeditor/translations'] as $dir) { $files = array_diff(scandir(__DIR__.'/packaging/media/'.$dir), ['..', '.']); array_walk($files, function (&$item) use ($dir) { $item = 'media/'.$dir.'/'.$item; }); $releaseFiles = array_merge($releaseFiles, $files); } // Create a flag to check if the vendors changed $vendorsChanged = false; // Get a list of changed files since 1.0.0 foreach ($tags as $tag) { ob_start(); passthru($systemGit.' diff tags/'.$tag.$gitSourceLocation.$gitSource.' --name-status', $fileDiff); $fileDiff = explode("\n", trim(ob_get_clean())); foreach ($fileDiff as $fileInfo) { [$type, $filename, $newFileName] = explode("\t", $fileInfo."\t"); $folderPath = explode('/', $filename); $baseFolderName = $folderPath[0]; if (!$vendorsChanged && 'composer.lock' == $filename) { $vendorsChanged = true; } if ('D' == $type) { if (!in_array($filename, $releaseFiles)) { $deletedFiles[$filename] = true; } } elseif (str_starts_with($type, 'R')) { if (!in_array($filename, $releaseFiles)) { $deletedFiles[$filename] = true; } $modifiedFiles[$newFileName] = true; } elseif (in_array($filename, $releaseFiles)) { $modifiedFiles[$filename] = true; } } } // Include assets just in case they weren't $assetFiles = [ 'media/css/' => true, 'media/js/' => true, 'media/libraries/' => true, ]; $modifiedFiles = $modifiedFiles + $assetFiles; // Package the vendor folder if the lock changed if ($vendorsChanged) { $modifiedFiles['vendor/'] = true; $modifiedFiles['app/bootstrap.php.cache'] = true; } $modifiedFiles = array_keys($modifiedFiles); sort($modifiedFiles); $deletedFiles = array_keys($deletedFiles); sort($deletedFiles); // Write our files arrays into text files file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/packaging/deleted_files.txt', json_encode($deletedFiles)); file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/packaging/modified_files.txt', implode("\n", $modifiedFiles)); file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/packaging/critical_migrations.txt', json_encode($criticalMigrations)); } // Post-processing - ZIP it up chdir(__DIR__.'/packaging'); system("rm -f ../packages/{$appVersion}.zip ../packages/{$appVersion}"); echo "Packaging Mautic Full Installation\n"; system('zip -qr ../packages/'.$appVersion.'.zip . -x@../exclude_files.txt -x@../exclude_files_full.txt'); system('zip -qr ../packages/'.$appVersion.'.zip ./config/.gitkeep'); echo "Packaging Mautic Update Package\n"; system('zip -qr ../packages/'.$appVersion.' -x@../exclude_files.txt -@ < modified_files.txt'); system('zip -qr ../packages/'.$appVersion.' ./config/.gitkeep'); // Write output to file (so that the CI pipeline can add it to the release notes), then output to console system('cd ../packages && openssl sha1 '.$appVersion.'.zip > build-sha1-all'); system('cd ../packages && openssl sha1 '.$appVersion.' >> build-sha1-all'); system('cat ../packages/build-sha1-all');