import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import tensorflow_hub as hub import keras labels_path = keras.utils.get_file( fname='labels.txt', origin='' ) with open(labels_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = KINETICS_600_LABELS = np.array([line.strip() for line in lines]) KINETICS_600_LABELS[:20] def main(): jumping_jack_path = 'assets/jumping_pack.gif' jumping_jack = load_gif(jumping_jack_path) id = 'a2' mode = 'base' version = '3' hub_url = f'{id}/{mode}/kinetics-600/classification/{version}' model = hub.load(hub_url) sig = model.signatures['serving_default'] print('Model loaded.') sig(image=jumping_jack[tf.newaxis, :1]) logits = sig(image=jumping_jack[tf.newaxis, ...]) logits = logits['classifier_head'][0] probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits, axis=-1) for label, p in get_top_k(probs): print(f'{label:20s}: {p:.3f}') def get_top_k(probs, k=5, label_map=KINETICS_600_LABELS): """Outputs the top k model labels and probabilities on the given video. Args: probs: probability tensor of shape (num_frames, num_classes) that represents the probability of each class on each frame. k: the number of top predictions to select. label_map: a list of labels to map logit indices to label strings. Returns: a tuple of the top-k labels and probabilities. """ # Sort predictions to find top_k top_predictions = tf.argsort(probs, axis=-1, direction='DESCENDING')[:k] # collect the labels of top_k predictions top_labels = tf.gather(label_map, top_predictions, axis=-1) # decode labels top_labels = [label.decode('utf8') for label in top_labels.numpy()] # top_k probabilities of the predictions top_probs = tf.gather(probs, top_predictions, axis=-1).numpy() return tuple(zip(top_labels, top_probs)) def load_gif(file_path, image_size=(224, 224)): """Loads a gif file into a TF tensor. Use images resized to match what's expected by your model. The model pages say the "A2" models expect 224 x 224 images at 5 fps Args: file_path: path to the location of a gif file. image_size: a tuple of target size. Returns: a video of the gif file """ # Load a gif file, convert it to a TF tensor raw = video = # Resize the video video = tf.image.resize(video, image_size) # change dtype to a float32 # Hub models always want images normalized to [0,1] # ref: video = tf.cast(video, tf.float32) / 255. return video