ARG BASE_DOCKER_IMAGE FROM $BASE_DOCKER_IMAGE LABEL maintainer="Hugging Face" ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Use login shell to read variables from `~/.profile` (to pass dynamic created variables between RUN commands) SHELL ["sh", "-lc"] RUN apt update RUN apt install -y git libsndfile1-dev tesseract-ocr espeak-ng python3 python3-pip ffmpeg git-lfs libaio-dev RUN git lfs install RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip ARG REF=main RUN git clone && cd transformers && git checkout $REF RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -e ./transformers[dev,onnxruntime] # When installing in editable mode, `transformers` is not recognized as a package. # this line must be added in order for python to be aware of transformers. RUN cd transformers && python3 develop ARG FRAMEWORK ARG VERSION # Control `setuptools` version to avoid some issues RUN [ "$VERSION" != "1.9" -a "$VERSION" != "1.10" ] && python3 -m pip install -U setuptools || python3 -m pip install -U "setuptools<=59.5" # Remove all frameworks # (`accelerate` requires `torch`, and this causes import issues for TF-only testing) RUN python3 -m pip uninstall -y torch torchvision torchaudio accelerate tensorflow jax flax # Get the libraries and their versions to install, and write installation command to `~/.profile`. RUN python3 ./transformers/utils/ --framework $FRAMEWORK --version $VERSION # Install the target framework RUN echo "INSTALL_CMD = $INSTALL_CMD" RUN $INSTALL_CMD RUN [ "$FRAMEWORK" != "pytorch" ] && echo "`deepspeed-testing` installation is skipped" || python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir ./transformers[deepspeed-testing] # Uninstall `torch-tensorrt` and `apex` shipped with the base image RUN python3 -m pip uninstall -y torch-tensorrt apex # Pre-build **nightly** release of DeepSpeed, so it would be ready for testing (otherwise, the 1st deepspeed test will timeout) RUN python3 -m pip uninstall -y deepspeed # This has to be run inside the GPU VMs running the tests. (So far, it fails here due to GPU checks during compilation.) # Issue: # RUN git clone && cd DeepSpeed && rm -rf build && \ # DS_BUILD_CPU_ADAM=1 DS_BUILD_FUSED_ADAM=1 DS_BUILD_AIO=1 DS_BUILD_UTILS=1 python3 -m pip install . --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="-j8" --no-cache -v --disable-pip-version-check 2>&1 RUN python3 -m pip install -U "itsdangerous<2.1.0" # When installing in editable mode, `transformers` is not recognized as a package. # this line must be added in order for python to be aware of transformers. RUN cd transformers && python3 develop