import execjs from PIL import Image import streamlit from simple_latex_ocr.models import Latex_OCR js_code = """ function encodeToBase64(latex) { var str = encodeURI(latex); // 进行URL编码 str = btoa(str); // 进行Base64编码 return str; } """ ctx = execjs.compile(js_code) model = Latex_OCR() if __name__ == '__main__': streamlit.set_page_config(page_title='Simple-LaTeX-OCR') streamlit.title('Simple-LaTeX-OCR') streamlit.markdown( 'Convert images of equations to corresponding LaTeX code.\n\nThis is based on the `Simple-LaTeX-OCR` module. Check it out (') uploaded_file = streamlit.file_uploader( 'Upload an image an equation', type=['png', 'jpg'], ) if uploaded_file is not None: image = streamlit.image(image) else: streamlit.text('\n') if streamlit.button('Convert'): if uploaded_file is not None and image is not None: with streamlit.spinner('Computing'): response = model.predict(uploaded_file.getvalue()) if "formula" in response: latex_code = response["formula"] latex_encode ="encodeToBase64", latex_code) streamlit.code(latex_code, language='latex') streamlit.markdown(f'$\\displaystyle {latex_code}$') link_html = f'' streamlit.markdown(link_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) else: streamlit.error(response) else: streamlit.error('Please upload an image.')