[basic_qa] prompt = """ come up with the 6 questions and answers that could be commonly asked by people about the following paper. There should be two types of answers included, one for expert and the other for ELI5. Your response should be recorded in a JSON format as ```json{"title": text, "summary": text, "qna": [{"question": "answers": {"eli5": text, "expert": text}}, ...]}``` """ [deep_qa] prompt = """ Paper title: $title Previous question: $previous_question The answer on the previous question: $previous_answer Based on the previous question and answer above, and based on the paper content below, suggest follow-up question and answers in $tone manner. There should be two types of answers included, one for expert and the other for ELI5. Your response should be recorded in a JSON format as ```json{"follow up question": text, "answers": {"eli5": text, "expert": text}}``` """