import os import json import requests import gradio as gr from pingpong import PingPong from pingpong.pingpong import PPManager from pingpong.pingpong import PromptFmt from pingpong.pingpong import UIFmt from pingpong.gradio import GradioChatUIFmt class LLaMA2ChatPromptFmt(PromptFmt): @classmethod def ctx(cls, context): if context is None or context == "": return "" else: return f"""<> {context} <> """ @classmethod def prompt(cls, pingpong, truncate_size): ping =[:truncate_size] pong = "" if pingpong.pong is None else pingpong.pong[:truncate_size] return f"""[INST] {ping} [/INST] {pong}""" class LLaMA2ChatPPManager(PPManager): def build_prompts(self, from_idx: int=0, to_idx: int=-1, fmt: PromptFmt=LLaMA2ChatPromptFmt, truncate_size: int=None): if to_idx == -1 or to_idx >= len(self.pingpongs): to_idx = len(self.pingpongs) results = fmt.ctx(self.ctx) for idx, pingpong in enumerate(self.pingpongs[from_idx:to_idx]): results += fmt.prompt(pingpong, truncate_size=truncate_size) return results class GradioLLaMA2ChatPPManager(LLaMA2ChatPPManager): def build_uis(self, from_idx: int=0, to_idx: int=-1, fmt: UIFmt=GradioChatUIFmt): if to_idx == -1 or to_idx >= len(self.pingpongs): to_idx = len(self.pingpongs) results = [] for pingpong in self.pingpongs[from_idx:to_idx]: results.append(fmt.ui(pingpong)) return results TOKEN = os.getenv('HF_TOKEN') MODEL_ID = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf' STYLES = """ .small-big { font-size: 12pt !important; } .small-big-textarea > label > textarea { font-size: 12pt !important; } .highlighted-text { background: yellow; overflow-wrap: break-word; } .no-gap { gap: 0px !important; } .group-border { padding: 10px; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 10px; border-color: gray; border-style: dashed; } .control-label-font { font-size: 13pt !important; } .control-button { background: none !important; border-color: #69ade2 !important; border-width: 2px !important; color: #69ade2 !important; } .center { text-align: center; } .right { text-align: right; } .no-label { padding: 0px !important; } .no-label > label > span { display: none; } .no-label-chatbot { border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; height: 540px !important; } .no-label-chatbot > div > div:nth-child(1) { display: none; } .left-margin-30 { padding-left: 30px !important; } .left { text-align: left !important; } .alt-button { color: gray !important; border-width: 1px !important; background: none !important; border-color: gray !important; text-align: justify !important; } .white-text { color: #000 !important; } """ def get_new_ppm(ping): ppm = LLaMA2ChatPPManager() ppm.ctx = """\ You are a helpful, respectful and honest writing helper. Always write stories that suites to query. You DO NOT give explanation but just stories. For instance, do not say such as "Sure! Here's a short paragraph to start a short story:""" ppm.add_pingpong(PingPong(ping, '')) return ppm def get_new_ppm_for_chat(): ppm = GradioLLaMA2ChatPPManager() return ppm def gen_text(prompt, hf_model='meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf', hf_token=None, parameters=None): if hf_token is None: raise ValueError("Hugging Face Token is not set") if parameters is None: parameters = { 'max_new_tokens': 512, 'do_sample': True, 'return_full_text': False, 'temperature': 1.0, 'top_k': 50, # 'top_p': 1.0, 'repetition_penalty': 1.2 } url = f'{hf_model}' headers={ 'Authorization': f'Bearer {hf_token}', 'Content-type': 'application/json' } data = { 'inputs': prompt, 'stream': False, 'options': { 'use_cache': False, }, 'parameters': parameters } r = url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data) ) if r.reason != 'OK': raise ValueError("Response other than 200") return json.loads(r.content.decode("utf-8"))[0]['generated_text'] def select(editor, evt: gr.SelectData): return [ evt.value, evt.index[0], evt.index[1] ] def get_gen_txt(editor, prompt, only_gen_text=False): if editor.strip() == '': ppm = get_new_ppm('Write a short paragraph to start a short story for me') else: ppm = get_new_ppm(f"""{prompt} -------------------------------- {editor}""") try: txt = gen_text(ppm.build_prompts(), hf_model=MODEL_ID, hf_token=TOKEN) if only_gen_text: return txt + "\n\n" else: return editor + txt + "\n\n" except ValueError as e: print(f"something went wrong - {e}") return editor def gen_txt(editor): return [ get_gen_txt(editor, "Write the next paragraph based on the following stories so far."), 0, gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True), ] def gen_txt_with_prompt(editor, prompt): return [ get_gen_txt(editor, prompt), 0, gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True), ] def chat_gen(editor, chat_txt, chatbot, ppm, regen=False): ppm.ctx = f"""\ You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. you must consider multi-turn conversations. Answer to questions based on the written stories so far as below ---------------- {editor} """ if regen: last_pingpong = ppm.pop_pingpong() chat_txt = ppm.add_pingpong(PingPong(chat_txt, '')) try: txt = gen_text(ppm.build_prompts(), hf_model=MODEL_ID, hf_token=TOKEN) ppm.add_pong(txt) except ValueError as e: print(f"something went wrong - {e}") return [ "", ppm.build_uis(), ppm ] def chat(editor, chat_txt, chatbot, ppm): return chat_gen(editor, chat_txt, chatbot, ppm, regen=False) def regen_chat(editor, chat_txt, chatbot, ppm): return chat_gen(editor, chat_txt, chatbot, ppm, regen=True) def get_new_ppm_for_range(): ppm = LLaMA2ChatPPManager() ppm.ctx = """\ You are a helpful, respectful and honest writing helper. Always write text that suites to query. You DO NOT give explanation but just stories. DO NOT say such as 'Sure! Here's a short paragraph to start a short story:' or 'Sure, here is a revised version of ....:' """ return ppm def replace_sel(editor, replace_type, selected_text, sel_index_from, sel_index_to): ppm = get_new_ppm_for_range() ping = f"""replace {selected_text} in a single {replace_type} based on the story below ---------------- {editor} """ ppm.add_pingpong(PingPong(ping, '')) try: txt = gen_text(ppm.build_prompts(), hf_model=MODEL_ID, hf_token=TOKEN) ppm.add_pong(txt) except ValueError as e: print(f"something went wrong - {e}") return [ f"{editor[:sel_index_from]} {txt} {editor[sel_index_to:]}", "", 0, 0 ] def gen_alt(editor, num_enabled_alts, alt_btn1, alt_btn2, alt_btn3): if num_enabled_alts < 3: gen_txt = get_gen_txt(editor, "Write the next paragraph based on the following stories so far.", only_gen_text=True) return [ min(num_enabled_alts+1, 3), gr.update(interactive=False if num_enabled_alts >=2 else True), gr.update(visible=True if num_enabled_alts >=0 else False), gr.update(value=gen_txt if num_enabled_alts == 0 else alt_btn1), gr.update(visible=True if num_enabled_alts >=1 else False), gr.update(value=gen_txt if num_enabled_alts == 1 else alt_btn2), gr.update(visible=True if num_enabled_alts >=2 else False), gr.update(value=gen_txt if num_enabled_alts == 2 else alt_btn3), " ", gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=True), ] def fill_with_gen(alt_txt, editor): return [ editor + alt_txt, 0, gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) ] with gr.Blocks(css=STYLES) as demo: num_enabled_alts = gr.State(0) sel_index_from = gr.State(0) sel_index_to = gr.State(0) chat_history = gr.State(get_new_ppm_for_chat()) gr.Markdown("# Co-writing with AI", elem_classes=['center']) gr.Markdown( "This application is designed for you to collaborate with LLM to co-write stories. It is inspired by [Wordcraft project]( from Google's PAIR and Magenta teams. " "This application built on [Gradio](, and the underlying text generation is powered by [Hugging Face Inference API]( The text generation model might" "be changed over time, but [meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf]( is selected for now.", elem_classes=['center', 'small-big']) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): editor = gr.Textbox(lines=30, max_lines=30, elem_classes=['no-label', 'small-big-textarea']) word_counter = gr.Markdown("0 words", elem_classes=['right']) with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Tab("Control"): with gr.Column(elem_classes=['group-border']): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("`generate text` button generate continued text and attach it to the end. on the other hand, `generate alternatives` button generate alternate texts up to 3 and let you choose one of them.") with gr.Row(): gen_btn = gr.Button("generate text", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) gen_alt_btn = gr.Button("generate alternatives", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(visible=False) as first_alt: gr.Markdown("↳", scale=1, elem_classes=['wrap']) alt_btn1 = gr.Button("Alternative 1", elem_classes=['alt-button'], scale=8) with gr.Row(visible=False) as second_alt: gr.Markdown("↳", scale=1, elem_classes=['wrap']) alt_btn2 = gr.Button("Alternative 2", elem_classes=['alt-button'], scale=8) with gr.Row(visible=False) as third_alt: gr.Markdown("↳", scale=1, elem_classes=['wrap']) alt_btn3 = gr.Button("Alternative 3", elem_classes=['alt-button'], scale=8) with gr.Row(elem_classes=['group-border']): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("'Write the next paragraph based on the following stories so far.' is the default prompt when clicking `generate text`, and the text so far will always be attached to the end. By giving your own prompt, only the default prompt will be replaced.") with gr.Column(elem_classes=['no-gap']): gen_with_prompt_btn = gr.Button("generate text with custom prompt", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="enter prompt: ", elem_classes=['no-label']) with gr.Column(elem_classes=['group-border']): with gr.Row(): selected_text = gr.Markdown("Selected text will be displayed in this area", elem_classes=['highlighted-text']) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(elem_classes=['no-gap']): replace_sel_btn = gr.Button("replace selection", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) replace_type = gr.Dropdown(choices=['word', 'sentense', 'phrase', 'paragraph'], value='sentense', interactive=True, elem_classes=['no-label']) # with gr.Row(): # with gr.Column(elem_classes=['no-gap']): # rewrite_sel_btn = gr.Button("rewrite selection", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) # rewrite_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Rewrite the text: ", elem_classes=['no-label']) with gr.Tab("Chatting"): chatbot = gr.Chatbot([], elem_classes=['no-label-chatbot']) chat_txt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="enter question", elem_classes=['no-label']) with gr.Row(): clear_btn = gr.Button("clear", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) regen_btn = gr.Button("regenerate", elem_classes=['control-label-font', 'control-button']) progress_bar = gr.Textbox(elem_classes=['no-label']) editor.change( fn=None, inputs=[editor], outputs=[word_counter, selected_text], _js="(e) => [e.split(/\s+/).length, '']" ) fn=select, inputs=[editor], outputs=[selected_text, sel_index_from, sel_index_to], show_progress='minimal' ) lambda: ( gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), ), inputs=None, outputs=[gen_btn, gen_alt_btn, gen_with_prompt_btn, replace_sel_btn] ).then( fn=gen_txt, inputs=[editor], outputs=[editor, num_enabled_alts, gen_alt_btn, first_alt, second_alt, third_alt, gen_btn, gen_with_prompt_btn, replace_sel_btn] ) lambda: ( gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), ), inputs=None, outputs=[gen_btn, gen_alt_btn, gen_with_prompt_btn, replace_sel_btn] ).then( fn=gen_alt, inputs=[editor, num_enabled_alts, alt_btn1, alt_btn2, alt_btn3], outputs=[num_enabled_alts, gen_alt_btn, first_alt, alt_btn1, second_alt, alt_btn2, third_alt, alt_btn3, progress_bar, gen_btn, gen_with_prompt_btn, replace_sel_btn], ) fn=fill_with_gen, inputs=[alt_btn1, editor], outputs=[editor, num_enabled_alts, gen_alt_btn, first_alt, second_alt, third_alt] ) fn=fill_with_gen, inputs=[alt_btn2, editor], outputs=[editor, num_enabled_alts, gen_alt_btn, first_alt, second_alt, third_alt] ) fn=fill_with_gen, inputs=[alt_btn3, editor], outputs=[editor, num_enabled_alts, gen_alt_btn, first_alt, second_alt, third_alt] ) gen_txt_with_prompt, inputs=[editor, prompt], outputs=[editor, num_enabled_alts, gen_alt_btn, first_alt, second_alt, third_alt] ) fn=replace_sel, inputs=[editor, replace_type, selected_text, sel_index_from, sel_index_to], outputs=[editor, selected_text, sel_index_from, sel_index_to], show_progress='minimal' ) chat_txt.submit( fn=chat, inputs=[editor, chat_txt, chatbot, chat_history], outputs=[chat_txt, chatbot, chat_history] ) fn=regen_chat, inputs=[editor, chat_txt, chatbot, chat_history], outputs=[chat_txt, chatbot, chat_history] ) demo.launch()