import streamlit as st from utils.levels import complete_level, initialize_level, render_page, get_level from utils.login import initialize_login initialize_login() initialize_level() LEVEL=0 def intro_page(): st.header("AI Eye Tutorial Template") st.subheader("Level 0: Introduction") st.write("""Welcome to the AI Eye Tutorial Template! This template is designed to help you create your own AI Eye tutorial. The template is divided into levels, and each level has a set of tasks that you need to complete before you can move on to the next level. You can use this template to create your own tutorial by completing the tasks in each level and adding your own content. You can also use this template to learn how to use AI Eye by completing the tasks in each level.""")"Current Level: {get_level()}") if st.button("Complete"): complete_level(LEVEL) render_page(intro_page, LEVEL)