import streamlit as st import langcodes import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() from requests_html import AsyncHTMLSession asession = AsyncHTMLSession(loop=loop) # langtext = st.text_input("language lookup using, see also", "english") st.write("Checking whether the tag is valid. That is, the language, script, territory, and variants (if present) are all tags that have meanings assigned by IANA.") if langcodes.tag_is_valid(langtext): st.write(f"...True! '{langtext}' parses meaningfully as a language tag according to IANA.") else: st.write(f"...False! '{langtext}' doesn't parse meaningfully as a language tag according to IANA, some of its subcomponents may be invalid or it might be a natural language description.") try: lang = langcodes.Language.get(langtext) # st.write(f"{lang} is the BCP-47 tag.") if "unknown" in lang.display_name().lower(): st.write(f"Attempting to lookup the code directly gives us '{lang.display_name()}', attempting to search for it as a natural language string.") lang = None except langcodes.LanguageTagError as e: st.write(f"Could not lookup code directly, attempting to search for it as a natural language string.") lang = None if lang is None: try: found = langcodes.find(langtext) lang = found st.write(f"natural language search found the following BCP-47 tag: {lang}") except LookupError as e: st.write(f"Unable to look up language code.") lang = None r12_url = f"{langtext}" r = await asession.get(r12_url) r.html.arender() st.write("language codes")) #st.write(f"langcodes found the following tag: {type(found)}") # a Language object if lang is not None: display = lang.display_name() st.write(f"Best-match BCP-47 tag for '{langtext}', according to the langcodes library: {lang}") st.write(f"Breakdown of tag components: {lang.describe()}") st.write(f"Display name for {lang}: {lang.display_name()}") st.write(f"Autonym for {lang}: {lang.autonym()}") b_variant = lang.to_alpha3(variant='B') t_variant = lang.to_alpha3(variant='T') st.write(f"ISO 639-3 'alpha3' code, 'terminology' variant (deprecated): {t_variant}") st.write(f"ISO 639-3 'alpha3' code, 'bibliographic' variant (deprecated): {b_variant}") broader_tags = lang.broader_tags() st.write(f"Broader tags for this language, if any: {broader_tags}") st.write(f"Correct, standardized, BCP-47 tag for {langtext}, according to the langcodes library: {langcodes.standardize_tag(lang)}") st.write(f"Try also:")