import os import json import math os.environ["DEEPFACE_HOME"] = "." import pyzipper import numpy as np import gradio as gr from annoy import AnnoyIndex from deepface.commons import functions from deepface.basemodels import Facenet512 # load the face model model = Facenet512.loadModel() input_shape_x, input_shape_y = functions.find_input_shape(model) index = AnnoyIndex(512, "euclidean") index.load(f"face.db") ANNOY_INDEX = json.load(open(f"face.json")) with pyzipper.AESZipFile('') as zf: zf.setpassword(b"4321ecafhsats"[::-1]) PERFORMER_DB = json.loads('performers.json')) def predict(image, threshold=20.0, results=3): image_array = np.array(image) img = functions.preprocess_face( img=image_array, target_size=(input_shape_x, input_shape_y), enforce_detection=True, detector_backend="retinaface", align=True, ) img = functions.normalize_input(img, normalization="Facenet2018") face = model.predict(img)[0].tolist() ids, distances = index.get_nns_by_vector( face, 50, search_k=10000, include_distances=True ) persons = {} for p, distance in zip(ids, distances): id = ANNOY_INDEX[p] if id in persons: persons[id]["hits"] += 1 persons[id]["distance"] -= 0.5 persons[id]["confidence"] = normalize_confidence_from_distance(persons[id]["distance"], threshold) continue persons[id] = { "id": id, "distance": round(distance, 2), "confidence": normalize_confidence_from_distance(distance, threshold), "hits": 1, } if id in PERFORMER_DB: persons[id].update(PERFORMER_DB.get(id)) persons = sorted(persons.values(), key=lambda x: x["distance"]) persons = [p for p in persons if p["distance"] < threshold] return persons[:results] def normalize_confidence_from_distance(distance, threshold=20.0): """Normalize confidence to 0-100 scale""" confidence = face_distance_to_conf(distance, threshold) return int(((confidence - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.0)) * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0) def face_distance_to_conf(face_distance, face_match_threshold=20.0): """Using a face distance, calculate a similarity confidence value""" if face_distance > face_match_threshold: # The face is far away, so give it a low confidence range = (1.0 - face_match_threshold) linear_val = (1.0 - face_distance) / (range * 2.0) return linear_val else: # The face is close, so give it a high confidence range = face_match_threshold linear_val = 1.0 - (face_distance / (range * 2.0)) # But adjust this value by a curve so that we don't get a linear # transition from close to far. We want it to be more confident # the closer it is. return linear_val + ((1.0 - linear_val) * math.pow((linear_val - 0.5) * 2, 0.2)) gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.components.Image(), gr.components.Slider(label="threshold",minimum=0.0, maximum=30.0, value=20.0), gr.components.Slider(label="results", minimum=0, maximum=50, value=3, step=1), ], outputs=gr.outputs.JSON(label=""), title="Who is in the photo?", description="Upload an image of a person and we'll tell you who it is.", ).launch(enable_queue=True, server_name="")