import gradio as gr def main(gender, age, height, body, Style, boobsize, asssize, skin, hair, hairstyle, eyes, tops, bottoms): stringgg = "" if Style != "None": # "None", "Realistic", "Anime", "Photo", "selfie" if Style == "Realistic": stringgg += "Realistic, realism, " elif Style == "Anime": stringgg += "amime style, " elif Style == "Photo": stringgg += "pic, photo, " elif Style == "selfie": stringgg += "Selfie, " stringgg += str(gender)+", " stringgg += str(age)+" years old, " stringgg += str(height)+"ft, " stringgg += str(body)+", " stringgg += str(hair)+" hair color, " stringgg += str(hairstyle)+" hair style, " stringgg += str(eyes)+" eyes, " if tops != "None": stringgg += str(tops)+", " if bottoms != "None": stringgg += str(bottoms)+", " if tops == "None" and bottoms == "None": stringgg += " Nude, " stringgg += str(skin)+" skin tone, " if boobsize != "None": stringgg += str(boobsize)+" cup size, " if asssize != "None": stringgg += str(asssize)+" butt size" print(stringgg) return stringgg gender = gr.inputs.Radio(["female", "male"], default="female") age = gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=100, default=25, label="Age") height = gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, default=5, label="Height") # body stlye with open('attributes/body.txt') as f: body = body = gr.inputs.Radio(body, default="slim", label="Body Style") Style = gr.inputs.Radio(["None", "Realistic", "Anime", "Photo", "selfie"], default="None", label="Style") # boob size with open('attributes/boobsize.txt') as f: boobsize = boobsize = gr.inputs.Dropdown(boobsize, default="None", label="Boobe Size") # ass size with open('attributes/asssize.txt') as f: asssize = asssize = gr.inputs.Dropdown(asssize, default="None", label="Ass Size") #skin color with open('attributes/skin.txt') as f: skin = skin = gr.inputs.Dropdown(skin, default="White", label="Skin Tone") # hair color with open('attributes/haircolor.txt') as f: hair = hair = gr.inputs.Dropdown(hair, default="Blonde", label="Hair Color") # hair style with open('attributes/hairstyle.txt') as f: hairstyle = hairstyle = gr.inputs.Dropdown(hairstyle, default="Bob", label="Hair Style") # eye color with open('attributes/eyecolor.txt') as f: eyes = eyes = gr.inputs.Dropdown(eyes, default="Blue", label="Eye Color") # tops with open('attributes/top.txt') as f: top = tops = gr.inputs.Dropdown(top, default="None", label="Tops") # bottoms with open('attributes/bottoms.txt') as f: bottom = bottoms = gr.inputs.Dropdown(bottom, default="None", label="Bottoms") gr.Interface(main, [gender, age, height, body, Style, boobsize, asssize, skin, hair, hairstyle, eyes, tops, bottoms], "text").launch()